iPhone: Apple rejects the Qualcomm modems – COMPUTER PHOTO


For years, Apple has equipped its iPhones with the semiconductor manufacturer Qualcomm, while Intel has only sporadically installed parts. Now Apple's relationship with Qualcomm – where Intel advance – ends

Intel instead of Qualcomm: Does the iPhone slow down?

Intel and Qualcomm have similarities: both are semiconductor manufacturers and come from America, even from California. But an important detail sets them apart: Intel does not threaten Apple with patent disputes. At a conference, Qualcomm announced that the new iPhone was equipped exclusively with modems from the Qualcomm competition. The latter perhaps Intel means: Compared to the Japanese newspaper "Nikkei" confirmed Asha Keddy, vice president of Customer and IoT Systems and Systems Architecture Group (CISA) of Intel, that the mbad production of the LTE XMM modem 7560 is in full swing. An indication of the future of the modem in the new iPhone? However, with 1 Gigabit per second (GBit / s) downstream, Qualcomm's Snapdragon X20 performance drops (1.2 GBit / s) in the 2018 iPhone not to mention the Snapdragon X24 with 2 Gbps [19659005] The best smartphones and cell phones

Patent dispute: Qualcomm and Apple in court

The relationship between Qualcomm and Apple is more than tense: The chip maker Qualcomm wants Apple banned the sale of its new models iPhone in Germany. According to the press release of Qualcomm, the plaintiff has accused Apple Apple in the Munich District Court, in its smartphones, to use patented technologies, without paying for it. Apple rejected this and estimated the potential damage to more than 1 billion euros. The House pointed out that there were a lot of unanswered questions

Qualcomm vs. Apple: Three lawsuits underway

The House intends to invite an expert to the next trial on the 8th November 2018. "It should be someone who tells us this in German," said the president of the court. "We are moving here in a dark forest with a small flashlight." Many patent details keep the secret on both sides up to now. Additional information is also awaiting process judges from both parties in the United States, London and the Mannheim District Court. The verdict of Mannheim is expected in September

Patent dispute: what are Apple and Qualcomm talking about?

The trials in Germany involve patents on technologies that make smartphones more efficient and powerful, and better energy consumption to adapt to each task. This is especially important if the battery is weakening. "If you do not fix that, the heat will always be full," said the presiding judge.

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Apple's lawyers deny patent infringement

Apple's lawyers have denied that the company infringed patent rights. The function is not active in the new models of iPhone. In 2016, the company had built almost exclusively Qualcomm chips in the iPhone – now it also uses Intel communication components, even in Europe exclusively.

The European Commission punishes Qualcomm from

2017, the European Commission has a hefty penalty for Qualcomm over 1 billion euros imposed, because the chip maker has ruled out Intel competitors with contracts exclusive with anti-competitive Apple. This decision is not final yet. Qualcomm pointed out in Munich that the case was not about high-speed chips that are at the heart of the EU's decision, but about other patents

Why does Qualcomm complain? in Germany?

As a result, Apple sued Qualcomm in the United States – alleging that the semiconductor specialist is asking too much for patent licenses. And in the United States, Qualcomm wants Apple to ban the importation of iPhones with Intel radio chips. German courts are compared to the US as being faster and more user-friendly for patent holders – a reason why Qualcomm in Munich and Mannheim complains. Due to the alleged patent infringement Qualcomm not only wants a stop of import and sale for iPhones in Germany, but also compensation. [Avec matériel dpa.]

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