iPhone X 2018 for the first time with dual SIM multimedia


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02. July 2018 15:54;
Law: 02.07.2018 19:11
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There are rumors circulating that the new iPhone X 2018 should finally support dual SIM. However, there is always only one SIM slot.

  An Apple iPhone X (Image: picturedesk.com) "width =" 600px

An Apple iPhone X (Image: picturedesk.com)

to [19659009] from i

What is standard on other models of smartphones is still far for iPhone users. But with the iPhone X 2018, it's finally the first smartphone from Apple with dual SIM support on the market.

According to a report from the Dutch online portal "iCulture", this should not be via a second SIM slot but via an integrated Apple SIM card. This allows customers to insert their own SIM card or book a data plan with any of their Apple partners.

This combination of eSIM and physical map already works for the competition. Google offers this system in Google Pixel 2. Apple could point to this.

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