Is an Özil case also possible in the ÖFB selection? – Soccer


Footballers with a migration background – nothing unusual, but currently a sensitive subject. In Germany, Mesut Özil resigned from the national team, he sees himself after the excitement for his photo with the Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan as victims of racism. The DFB is under pressure to justify and know the allegations decided by itself. Would such a scandal also be possible in Austria?

The players of the stars of the World Cup

Windtner speaks

Leo Windtner, president of the ÖFB, comments on the incident in the "press". He explains: "At the ÖFB, the subject of photography is clearly and strictly regulated in the team camps, no player can escape, he will be under the permanent supervision of the team. ÖFB and we will be responsible for clubs, sponsors and ourselves. . "

communication question

The ÖFB has no influence on events outside of team training courses, as Windtner admits: "We have no control here." In any case, the lessons learned in Austria from the excitement in Germany are: "Such situations can only be solved if the player himself advances and clarifies everything." Everything is about authentic awakening, otherwise it goes far too much room for other opinions. "

Wrong strategy

The DFB simply chose the wrong strategy in the "Cause Özil": "With silence, the thing is not served". ÖFB Secretary General Thomas Hollerer also sees it as follows: "If such a thing happens to us someday, we, as ÖFB, would quickly make sure that the player is safe. explains, gives his opinion, describes his motivations or confirms the accuracy of the recording.

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