Is Apple still innovative? | MacBook Pro too hot


A lot of listener mail has been received since last Saturday. – We were really excited by your letters. Our draw will run until next week, then we will draw the winners and read some letters. Today, this week 's topics are. Spoiler: A compact, spontaneous, but witty Apple cat!

-> Podcast Apple Splash on iTunes / iOS Podcast App

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-> The official Apple Splice Webplayer:

done even in the week after his performance still speaks of him- even. Apple has done a lot of work here, so the result is a really exciting product. Unfortunately, early shadows have also shown that some buyers may have been upset. We summarize the results of last week

What is the innovation of Apple?

A topic that haunts fanboys and girls since Tim Cook took the helm of Steve Jobs at Apple this week Again and from a slightly different point of view, Lukas had already talked about it. We take this as an opportunity to philosophize a bit about Apple's development in recent years and a glimpse of the possible future. Will the smartphone become in a few years a slide with a cloud connection?

+++ A little shorter today +++

And in fact we had planned a third subject. It's my fault if it does not happen anymore, but we'll pick it up next week. And yes, the # 51 apple joke was a bit spontaneous. Even more spontaneous than usual … And it took a lot of coffee …

Listen to the apple jam

    • 00:00:01: Intro and jubilant raffle Feedback
    • 00:04 : 45: MacBook Pro 2018 extracts and details popped up
        • 19659012] 00:23:00: What is the novelty of Apple? | Until where can you still drive the iPhone?

      -> Apple Delight on iTunes / Apple Podcast App

      -> Apple Delice on

      -> Apple Delice on TuneIn

      The Apple Fun Webplayer

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