Is fat alone to blame for weight gain and overweight?


Carbohydrates and proteins do not seem to affect weight

The intake of fat is the only cause of weight gain, according to a new study. Researchers say that the consumption of carbohydrates and proteins has no effect on body weight.

Researchers at the University of Aberdeen and the Chinese Academy of Sciences found in their current research that fat consumption appears to be the only cause of potential cancer. The weight gain is. The doctors published the results of their study in the English magazine "Cell Metabolism".

Apparently only fat intake is crucial for weight gain, while protein and carbohydrate have no effect. (Photo: happy_lark /

The study was conducted on mice

For their study, experts examined several types of diets in mice, which have similar physiology and metabolism similar to that of the man. The study included a total of 30 diets that varied in fat, carbohydrates and protein content. Each of the mice tested was fed with the badigned diet for a period of three months, equivalent to a nine-year equivalent in humans. In total, over 100,000 body weight measurements were made during the study and animal body fat was measured with the aid of a micro-MRI.

The combination of sugar and fat did not have more impact than fat

This in-depth study was clear. When the mice consumed more fats in their diet, the mice grew up and developed overweight or obesity, says Professor John Speakman, author of the study, University of Toronto. 39; Aberdeen. Ingested carbohydrates, which contain up to 30% of calories, have no effect on body weight. The combination of sugar and fat did not have more impact than fat alone, adds the expert.

Fat stimulates the brain to increase intake

There was also no evidence of low levels of protein (up to 5%) stimulated more intake high in protein. On the other hand, the fat contained in the food stimulated the so-called reward center in the brain for a greater contribution. It's hard to do similar studies on people because it's hard to control exactly what they're eating long enough, says Professor Speakman.

A Study Provides Clues to the Effects of Diet

A clear limitation of this study is that it is based on mice rather than on humans, says L & # 39; 39; expert. Mice, however, have many similarities with humans in their physiology and metabolism. Studies are never conducted that control human diets in the same way for so long, scientists suggest. However, the evidence provided by this study is a good indication of the impact that different types of diet have on humans, the researchers add. (As)

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