Is this comet really a UFO? Researchers say yes


The enigmatic object with the Hawaiian name "Oumuamua" is, according to the researchers, probably of extraterrestrial origin and in search of life.

In October 2017, researchers discovered an object in the space that has been the subject of intense debate since. Meanwhile, recognized scientists have introduced a new theory into the field that does not even exclude the publication of the object by extraterrestrials. Since no one has any more accurate information about the origin of the so-called comet, it was only a matter of time before someone introduced the topic of extraterrestrials. in the game. The fact that it's only researchers from the famous Harvard University is a surprise.

Why is Oumuamua so mysterious?

Researchers at the prestigious Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysical Center had studied Oumuamua, about half a kilometer, after the speed of the object had increased unexpectedly. Even NASA has already pointed out that it was "the inner solar system with an unexpected speed increase and a shift in trajectory".

The NASA video below shows that these effects are not just gravitational effects.

Harvard scientists describe in their investigations that the change of trajectory and speed could be due, among other things, to the pressure of the solar radiation, that is to say to the photons of the sun, that the Oumuamua pushed. In the end, however, a very particular theory has emerged.

A probe sent by extraterrestrials

In addition to this hypothesis, the researchers also concluded that Oumuamua could be an alien spacecraft that scours the space for signs of life. Professor Abraham Loeb, one of the study guides, told Universe Today: "Oumuamua could be an active element of extraterrestrial technology come to explore our solar system, in the same way that we hope to explore Alpha Centauri with similar technology. "

An alternative theory speaks of a light sail drifting through interstellar space as a remnant of technologically advanced equipment.

The object is on everyone's lips since its discovery. The speculation focused mainly on its origin and on the question of whether Oumuamua is a comet or an asteroid.


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