Israel wants to go to the moon


Israel wants to send an unmanned spaceship to the moon this year. Not a purely governmental effort, but driven by a company: "SpaceIL" has now presented the plans.

If successful, Israel would be the fourth lunar landing nation after the United States, Russia and China. The United States already had 12 men there, and Russia and China carried non-human probes into the moon dust.

If landing with the unmanned module manages to leave an Israeli flag on the moon, the project manager flirts. During the approach of landing, a video will be taken and after taking a selfie.

Private Initiative

The mission would be the first trip to the moon, which emanated from a private company. SpaceIL calls itself a non-profit organization. It was founded in 2011 by three engineers: Yariv Bash, Kfir Damari and Yonatan Winetraub. The three were inspired by the Google Lunar X Prize – a $ 30 million competition launched in 2007, sponsored by the American company Google, to promote private spaceflight activities. This year, the foundation announced that the grand prize would not be awarded as none of the last five teams would reach the moon before the deadline.


585 kilograms of light is the presented module, a meter and a half high, 2 meters in diameter; The Israeli Aerospace public aviation company has also worked in the past. It looks like a round table with four carbon feet – the company itself compares its size to that of a dishwasher.

Start uncertain, fixed landing date

In December, the landing unit of a Falcon Company SpaceX missile (by the boss of Tesla Elon Musk) to be fired in the space. The date of landing is February 13, 2019.

The project is funded by i.a. by Israeli entrepreneur Morris Kahn, American billionaire Sheldon Adelson and the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Foundation. The project is expected to cost about $ 90 million

Barbara Riedl-Daser, Ö1-Wissenschaft

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