It's so easy, the best wild horse


One of the best horses in Red Dead Redemption 2 is white arabic. The location of the horse and how you tame it, we show you here.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, you need good horses if you want to track other horses or cars in missions. Then a horse with a lot of stamina and high speed is important. During combat missions, many health benefits help a horse.

The talented horses you receive are "ok" but can not compete with the best. You can catch one of the best RDR 2 horses comfortably in the wild if you have just a little patience.

Why the best horse? Many players say that Arabic is the best horse. Although there is an Arabic with better values, the Arabic white is easy to catch.

Prerequisite: To catch this horse, you must have unlocked the stables of the RDR 2.

Here you will find the Arabic white

Where is the horse? North-west of the map of Red Dead Redemption 2 is the state of Ambarino. There you visit Isabella Lake. The lake is at Grizzlies West. The white Arab lives west of the lake.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Arabs Location

First cache: For security reasons, you must first manually register if you are near the lake. If your attempt to tame the horse fails, you must first give it away. And it can be very difficult to find the horse.

Tame with a lot of patience: You tame the white Arab as any other wild horse. But keep in mind that this specimen is particularly shy and runs away quickly.

Tips for mastering the white Arabic: Stay low and make very slow movements towards the horse. Examine it to unlock the reinsurance function.

As soon as possible, you should use the reinsurance function again and again. This is on the square button or X. You approach the horse and you can finally sit on your back.

If you then get to sit on the horse, he will try to destabilize you. Now you have to fight this with the badog stick and control the direction of the fall. After a few seconds, you can put it back in place.

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That's why the Arabs are the best horses in Red Dead Redemption 2

In Red Dead Redemption 2, all horses are ranked. This makes them easy to compare. These categories are:

  • ride a horse
  • racehorses
  • draft horses
  • draft horses
  • supporting the horses

Particularity of the Arabs: Arab horses always have their own category. This is called "thinking".

There are also divisions in different values. The statistics are divided into:

  • health
  • endurance
  • speed
  • maneuverability

Red Dead redemption 2 Arabic white

What is the best horse? The best horse of Red Dead Redemption 2 is the Arabian Rose-Gray-Brown. This horse has 7 points in health, 7 in endurance and 6 points in speed and agility as underlings. You can thread it by tying and stirrup until the values ​​go up to 10/10/8/8.

The problem with this horse is that it is not offered for sale very late in the stables. After chapter 6. And it costs $ 1250. With 3 gold bullion, you can afford to buy the horse.

The best horse that we can find quickly: The white Arab is available much earlier in the game and does not cost any money. It's the best horse you can have early.

Why is white arabic so good?

One of the peculiarities of the white Arabic is that you can tame it early. With 6 points of speed and maneuverability, he can follow other Arabs. The health and endurance points are 5 points in the standard, but can be increased to 8 points by enhanced binding.

The basic values ​​are 5/5/6/6. Through all the upgrades, the Arab would have statistics of 8/8/8/8.


Comparison with other horses:

  • The Dutch Warmblood, which is available for $ 450, has base values ​​of 5/6/4/3
  • The Ardennes horse you get in pre-order has a base value of 5/4/3/3
  • The English Thoroughbred, available for purchase of the RDR 2 Special or Ultimate version, has stats of 3/3/7/5

Here shines white arabic: With Arab white, you can ride at high speed over long distances. An important upgrade, especially in the first half of Red Dead Redemption 2, as you travel quickly from mission to mission with this gallopper.

Red Dead Redemption 2 White Arabs2

In order not to lose this horse after catching, you must always have at least one awakener with you. If the horse is badly injured, you can protect it. It is believed that there is only one copy in the RDR 2.

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