Johnny Depp: He appears as a villain Grindelwald


Johnny Depp
(55, "Mortdecai") made a surprise appearance at San Diego's Comic-Con: The Hollywood star appeared as a magician Gellert Grindelwald – in the role that he played. it occupies since November "

Harry Potter
" – Spin-off "Fantastic Beasts: The Crime of Grindelwald" to see. This is the second part of the film series, written by J.K. Rowling (52) is from. More stars of the film were present at Comic-Con:

Eddie Redmayne

Dan Fogler

Katherine Waterston

Alison Sudol

Ezra Miller

Jude Law
(45) and

Zoë Kravitz
(29) surrendered Honor …

Nobody was as demonstrative as Johnny Depp. In "Fantastic Beasts 2" he plays the Dark Wizard Grindelwald – a revolutionary hating muggles and enemy of Dumbledore (played by Jude Law). Grindelwald tries to gather supporters, who support him in his dark designs

Depp in the role of Grindelwald now holds a strange speech, according to US media reports at Comic-Con: "I do not hate her, I do I say that Muggles are not insignificant, not sacrificial, but of another value, magic only flourishes in extraordinary souls. "They are granted to those who lived for higher goals, so Depp aka Grindelwald . "The time has come," he added, "to stand up and take our rightful place in the world."

The New Trailer

The end of the speech sparkled loudly "The Hollywood Reporter" lights and then came out. Dork disappeared in the dark and his appearance was over. Grindelwald's dark words can also be found in the new trailer of the movie, which was published for Comic-Con: Dumbledore is seen there with young Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) during clbad. Later, Dumbledore explains to his former student that he can not do anything about Grindelwald, so Scamander has to fight him.

The clip of about three minutes next to Dumbledore, Scamander and his friends and Grindelwald also show new magical beasts. In addition, the immortal alchemist Nicolas Flamel has an appearance. He meets Jacob Kowalski (Dan Fogler) and scares him a lot. Flamel is an old friend of Dumbledore, he is the only known wizard who could do the "Philosopher's Stone".

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