Just Cause 4: 4K Panorama Trailer is out


Just Cause 4: 4K Panorama Trailer is out

October 26, 2018 at 11:44 am:

"Just Cause 4" received a new trailer. It will familiarize you with the landscapes you will encounter in the Open World title.

Square Enix and Avalanche have just released a new video clip for "Just Cause 4". This is a 4K panoramic trailer that gives an overview of Solís open world environment.

The Panorama 4K trailer will finally show you what you will see in the Open World game: "Whether it's South American panoramas or memorable battles in extreme weather, Just Cause 4 marks a turning in creativity and exploration, "said the official PR Text for the new video.

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In the last part, Rico Rodriguez finds himself on the South American island of Solís. There, he wants to know the truth about the death of his father. "This huge and beautiful island is home to tornadoes and brutal storms, and the inhabitants are under the control of the unscrupulous Black Hand, led by the dangerous Gabriela," said the creators.

Finally, Rico badociates with Mira, a rebel dissident. In addition, he finds himself at the head of an army, as he struggled with the grappling hook and the burning fin depending on conspiracies and chaos.

"Just Cause 4" will be released on December 4, 2018 for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

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