Justin Bieber: scandal after the commitment!


After just a few weeks of relationship, Justin Bieber, 24, asked questions of all the questions. But does he really want to marry Hailey Baldwin, 21, out of love?

Lightning Commitment to Hailey Baldwin

Justin Bieber wants to marry Hailey Baldwin. " You are the love of my life, and I do not want to spend it with someone else ," he enthuses on Instagram. But is not everything a little fast? After all, the two have only been back for a month and a half, except for their brief affair in 2016. In the mail where Justin announces the pledge, he writes:

I promise to guide our family with honor and decency.

Our family ?! Is Hailey pregnant? Is that why they are so in a hurry? Lack of clarity

Justin is still in touch with Selena Gomez!

But the fact is: the ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez, 25, has never had a public declaration of Justin's love . But the singer, who has suffered because of him for so long, luckily, the engagement news surpbades the last.

She finds all this totally ridiculous,

knows a friend of 25 years.

By the way, Selena also tells people that this relationship will never last. Why is she so sure? Perhaps because Justin is still bombarding them with phone calls and messages – to which Selena does not respond: " She ignores all contact attempts." Justin does not care about " "But why does not her ex leave her alone? Maybe because he still has feelings for her!

Is this the real reason for marriage?

An incredible rumor infiltrates into the environment of the swarm of teens: The singer is forced to make an engagement with Hailey Carl Lentz, 39 , pastor of the controversial Hillsong Church, urged him to do so.

He wants a super pair to be a figurehead of the denomination, [19659007] a member of the church

Selena diligently studied the Bible and attended worship for Justin, but Hailey is a sworn member – and, unlike Selena, totally devoted to the Church. Also suspicious is what Justin writes:

God's timing is perfect. We got engaged on the seventh day of the seventh month. Seven is the number of spiritual perfection. I am in favor of God.

A church spokesman also confirmed that the young couple will undergo a five-week training . Justin and Hailey have to take courses like "Conflict Management" and "Effective Communication" before going past the altar. The President: " We build a solid foundation for a marriage for life " It sounds more like a threat than a promise

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Text: Julia Dreblow

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