Kanye West: This tweet has returned against him


On the taste of

Kanye West (41) is undoubtedly excellent. Until then, it was mainly music, sneakers or women, but this time, it really is literal taste.

In terms of food consumption, Kanye apparently would have found himself at the fast food giant, McDonald's. For that, he did not even do subtle advertising on Twitter. "McDonald's is my favorite restaurant" tweeted the rapper the day before yesterday on his profileThe question now is this: is it really a compliment from Kanye West, who is currently considered by the public primarily as a narcissistic and maniacal supporter of Trump?

Exactly. And of course, the tweet was a model for social media managers of McDonald's competitor, Burger King. The official report from Burger King UK acknowledged the potential and retweeted Kanye McDonald's praise simply by saying, "That explains a lot."

The network celebrates this response with nearly 800,000 likes and more than 200,000 retweets and calls for comments a pay raise for the social media manager.

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