Karl Daxbacher: "We resisted to the best of our ability."


  • Alexander Grünwald: "We are at the beginning."
  • Thomas Letsch: "We do not have video evidence in Austria and it's a good thing."
  • Alfred Hörtnagl: "Morality is right and I think we can also take it."
  • Andreas Herzog: "Austria should have closed the bag earlier."

FK Austria Wien wins against FC Wacker Innsbruck 2-1. All votes for the match at Sky Sport Austria HD [194559008]

Referee: Christoph Jäger

Thomas Letsch (Coach FK Austria Vienna):

… on the game: "I felt like everyone else implied world, it was a different situation.We all know that everyone in the new stadium is waiting for us to win the match, a huge euphoria, the fans are fantastic, but this is not a good idea. is not a fugitive.This still showed today.Today, the most important thing was to get the three points.We did it.We could have -Being not made that as exciting in the back, but the end result is the result.Everything can not work wonders and Innsbruck did well.What we did not like, that's what It went to the very end because we played with an open visor in a 2-1 lead because I would have liked that we would have tackled it a bit more He's not known for unpacking blows or anything like that, but he left the front. "

… on a possible missed penalty for Innsbruck:" If I see it this way now, I think it strikes it does not have video evidence in Austria and I think that it's is a good thing. "

… before the match on the new Turgeman signature:" I am absolutely convinced that we have a lot of different types of attacker. Alon is one who is always dangerous in the pit, which is technically very strong. We have plenty of options and no matter in the end, what matters most, the attacker. "

Alexander Grünwald (FK Austria Vienna):

… about the game and its purpose:" It was very important, The 1: 1 gave us confidence and recovery. It was very important before the break. In the second half, we had a lot of chances and we could have won more. With the fans in the back, if you have an advantage at home, even after a gap is still possible. The fans really pushed us from the first minute and the team gave it all, slipped, got beaten. We are at the beginning. It was an important first step. We saw that we fought back. Victory can be very important for self-confidence and well-being. We feel good now. "[194559009] Wolfgang Katzian (President FK Austria Vienna):

… before the game on the new season and stadium:" C is the first league game of the new season, the first The match in the new stadium and many people here, but also far beyond, have longed for the years of the epidemic to be completed in the Happel and that we can finally return to our stadium. We are all very proud of the fact that it has become so beautiful. "

… before the game on the goals of the Austrian season:" In a year when we were not in the European Cup, we were champions in the end. Of course, I do not give it as a seasonal goal, but the return to the European level is something we have set ourselves. We now put all the other things below. I expect it to be done this season. "

… before the game about his possible resignation as president:" Well, I said that I'm in my last period. Our status does not allow re-election. You can compete twice and be elected. That's the case with me. The period will end in 2020 and you will have to be on the right track and, with regard to the continuity of the club and the continuity of all the activities that we have started, a good transition is possible. I said we will determine the date together, but yes, we will be aiming for a change here. When that is, I can not say for today. I think there are a lot of very vocal people. I do not agree with the speculations. "

Ralf Muhr (Technical Director FK Austria Vienna):

… on the game:" You have already seen another Austrian team, which, I believe, managed to take this fantastic audience here to the Arena Generali really take. Of course, it was difficult to get into the game early. I also think that Innsbruck has done a great job as a starter. I think you always saw until the end that we played with a lot of heart. "

… before the game on what should change compared to last season:" I do not want to say, just everything. I also do not think of talking too much about comparisons now, as the team did last year, as will happen this year. The fact is, we have many new faces. The fact is that the coach will adapt a new game idea with his team of coaches. "

… before the game on the team planning:" So we have an urgent need for action, with Cristian Cuevas He can designate this way, have closed the left back site, because we have a long-term failure with Christoph Martschinko, not at the moment. Otherwise, we are very well positioned, I think. We are double occupied everywhere, are very strong in the central midfield. Of course, we must also be vigilant to know if the situation of one or the other player in the interest of other clubs evolves, but by and large we have our team completely and are very satisfied with l & # 39; team. "

… on newcomer Turgeman:" He is technically very good player. His strengths are definitely in the box, in the final. In difficult situations, he always has a good idea. "

Karl Daxbacher (Coach FC Wacker Innsbruck):

… on the match:" I think we followed our plan very well. We did it well, especially at the beginning, in the first half to the Austrian goal. Second half, after the direction of Austria, we then opened more. There were also real chances of Austria and it could have been higher. We defended ourselves to the best of our abilities. I would say rather that it is not in the interior. I think I have seen that Austria is stronger in the individual clbad than most of us. We just have to catch up with total commitment, tactical behavior and a last-minute battle. We did well, no complaints to the team. "

… about a possible missed penalty at Rakowitz:" From me it seemed like he had played the ball. Now, it's a fault, very clear, but not whistled, so what should you do. "

… on a possible reinforcement in midfield:" We need him for sure. At the moment, we have eighteen field players. The team is very thin, although of course we can reach the second team and get players. But we know for sure that we will need someone there. "

… about Knett's injury:" He will be examined tomorrow. It is severely bent with the ankle joint. It will be a worse injury, but we'll see. "

… before the match on his team's goal for the season:" You have to make sure that we are good in the league and we can always push our goals higher "

Dominik Baumgartner (FC Wacker Innsbruck):

… on the game: "We had not expected defeat, but I think it was finally deserved that we lost. I think that in principle we did it very well. I think Austria did not know how to play against us, especially at the beginning: after a shot by Dominik Prokop, it became dangerous and the goal was scored. I mean that they of course have individual clbades. The Grünwald, who makes a hook and hangs in the short corner and the second half, we got a useless goal. Probably not enough adept employed by me. About Knett's injury: "I actually played the ball at the Knett, suddenly I see that he's limping and the ball only More shots out." Apparently, he's leaning in. No idea of what happened exactly. "

Alfred Hörtnagl (Managing Director FC Wacker Innsbruck):

… on the game:" If you badyze the game, I think we have very well found in the match.The opening phase was very good, we took an ideal lead.Of course, Austria then tried to do more for the game and then came across a situation We then went into a draw with a draw.After that, you already saw that Austria has once again put something, so it was really stronger. Together, I think we did a very good performance.It was already a game at eye level for a long time, but the second half was Austria then stronger and I think then because of the second half, Austria also deserved deserved. Morality is correct and I think we can take that too. "

… about Knett's injury:" Of course, we hope that it will not take so long and that the injury is not so difficult. We must wait now what the investigation brings. "

… before the game on the goals of the Innsbrucker season:" So we said very clearly, now we have moved to four leagues after four years, we are very happy. It was just a very important step. We said we came to stay. This is the first step. We want to stay in the league, but we must also continue to evolve. "

… before the retirement match and the role of Patrik Eler:" Of course, Patrik Eler is an important player for us. We know that he played a very good season in Innsbruck before moving abroad. It did not work that way. Since we brought it back, started a return action. I think that he just needs a home too. He also has with us in Innsbruck. The injury will not take too much time. It will be available again in two or three weeks, and I'm sure we have two good forwards, Zlatko Dedic and Patrik Eler. "

… before the match on any other possible transfers:" We said we want to return to the offensive. A player who can be used in a variable way on the offensive, left, right or even once in the center. We try to build that easily. It's not over yet, but it's not a secret that we want to catch up with it again.

Andreas Herzog (Sky Expert):

… if the victory of Austria was deserved: "I must say. Immediately after the break, Innsbruck had a chance thanks to Dedic, at the Stanglpbad. As they could have taken the lead, Austria was the second best team. With the inclusion of Edomwonyi, they again had a power, a speed ahead and could certainly have decided the match sooner. They were 1-0, then turned the game and had to win higher. It was not perfect yet, but it was not planned. Austria should have closed the bag sooner. "

… about Turgeman:" I think he's got momentum on Israel. "

… on Grünwald's goal at 1: 1:" The closer he was to taking a break the more Austria became dominant. As a result, the remuneration was won in my opinion. With the captain, Alex Grünwald, it is also a very nice goal. "

… about change in Austria:" Should we do it? In a team that is not so successful and where it is installed at the back of the head, you have to react as easily. And if you also have the financial means to restructure the team and rebuild it, then you have to do it easily. "

… on players from Sturm in Austria:" It's a bit like Bayern Munich for decades in the Bundesliga. Just weaken the time of the opponent. "

… on the new stadium in Austria:" Beautiful, no question. Jewelry box, but fortunately the lawn is still green, it makes me feel rather comfortable. "

… about the new League of Twelve:" Once upon a time there was a new attraction. I think it's a story you've been thinking about for a long time, where you've been planning for a long time, and I think it's going to be really exciting. "

Walter Kogler (Sky Expert):

… On the reasons for the defeat of Innsbruck:" Especially that Innsbruck in the second half was not more able to provide relief forward. Dedic was ahead and Innsbruck looked a little tired in the second half. At the first half, they were very well organized, still able to cope with the danger, but in the second half, they fell behind. "

… on the good substitute of Austria:" As you can see is equipped in Austria Vienna. "

… on Dedic's goal at 0: 1:" Few players make that they raise the ball in this situation. Most would have tried to shoot him high or short, but he is also convinced of himself and also has the clbad that he does. "

… on the new stage of Austria:" Sensational. This really adds value to the entire league and I hope that Austria will at this stage give the necessary dignity with a good football. "

… on the new league 12:" I think it will be very interesting. I am also a defender of this league. There are several reasons. On the one hand, due to the fact that there are two other clubs, I also see the opportunity for young Austrian players to gain a foothold in this league. I see it very positively. And also, as I said, the mode is absolutely there to be exciting. It's very interesting. "

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