Kate Middleton pregnant again ?: When the fourth baby arrives for Duchess Kate and her husband Prince William?


Kate Middleton extremely skinny: does a pregnant woman look like this?
Image: dpa / John Stillwell

Can Royal fans be happy with the double offspring? Shortly after the announcement of The pregnancy of Meghan Markle Kate Middleton has once again provoked wild speculation about the pregnancy, even involuntarily. According to rumors, Duchess Kate is already expecting her fourth child six months after the birth of Prince Louis.

Kate Middleton again pregnant?

These claims have now been refuted. In fact, the wife of Prince William appears all but pregnant in current images. Instead, the last Duchess looked almost terribly thin, almost fragile. No wonder, after all, you have your hands full of three children and many public appearances.

Insider claims: Duchess Kate awaits her fourth child

And yet, a few days ago, a source told Star: "Six months after the birth of Prince Louis, the Duchess Kate is pregnant again." Kate Middleton and Prince William were astonished at the speed with which the pregnancy "In addition, US rumors have claimed that palace insiders worry about pregnancy because the duchess has become" scary "after her diet.The report says that the 36-year-old woman currently weighs only 44 pounds on the scale.All nonsense claims "Gossip Cop"now.

Kate Middleton is not pregnant? It's behind the rumors of pregnancy

And indeed, Palace employees would not talk about a new pregnancy or the weight of Kate Middleton. In addition, Kate and William would share their first pleasures with the queen and not with the palace staff. When asked about rumors of pregnancy, Kensington Palace responded with a smile. Royal fans will probably have to wait a moment. Kate Middleton and Prince William will probably not be announced in the coming weeks.

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