Kevin Spacey: New allegations of abuse against the stars of the House of Cards


Details of the indecent badault claims against Hollywood star Kevin Spacey (58) are revealed

Scotland Yard and the London Metropolitan Police have long been investigating the old House of Cars because of several allegations of badual abuse "star. As it has now become known, investigators have added three new cases.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https: / / vorwuerfe-gegen-kevin-spacey-200609776-56206400 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" New allegations against Kevin Spacey "data-zoom-title =" Spacey in his role of US President Francis Underwood in "House of Cards" – he was fired by Netflix after the scandal became known

Photo: dpa

"data-zoom-src =" https://bilder.bild .de / fotos / neue-vorwuerfe-gegen-kevin-spacey-200609776-56206400 / Bild / 2.bild.jpg "/>

Spacey in his role as US President Francis Underwood in "House of Cards" – he was fired by Netflix after the scandal became known Photo: dpa

• As reported on the US site "TMZ ", the victims are three men. One of them allegedly badually harbaded Spacey in Westminster, United Kingdom, in 1996.

Another person claims that Spacey badaulted him in 2008 in the London neighborhood from Lambeth, not far from the Old Vic Theater where Spacey spent 11 years as artistic director.

• A third man accuses Spacey of having badually badaulted him in 2008 in Gloucester. Cases were reported in February and April of this year. Police service "Child Abuse and Sexual Offenses Command" identified.

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https: // vorwuerfe-gegen-kevin-spacey-200755857-56206422 / 3, w = 1280, c = 0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" New Allegations Against Kevin Spacey "data-zoom-title =" 2004 Spacey Front the Old Vic Theater in London, where he was the artistic director

Photo: epa PA Document / dpa

"data-zoom-src =" -vorwuerfe-gegen-kevin-spacey-200755857-56206422 / Bild / 3.bild.jpg «/>

Spacey 2004 in front of the Old Vic Theater in London, where he was the artistic director Photo: epa PA Handout / dpa

This is what Spacey's colleagues say "House of Cards" [19659013] The Spacey Affair

] In October 2017, the first allegations of abuse became public. The actor of "Star Trek" Anthony Rapp (46) accused Spacey of badually badaulting him at the age of 14 at a party in Spacey's apartment in New York in 1986.

Shortly after, eight other men came forward, who worked with Spacey on the set of the hit series "House of Cards". In the following months, the charge against the actor became more common, causing him to lose his reputation and his role as a mega in "House of Cards."

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand picture" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = " rapp-warf-kevin-spacey-baduellen-missbrauch-vor-200844309-56206450 / 3, w = 1280, c = 0. picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Anthony Rapp accused Kevin of abuse badual "data-zoom-title =" The actor Anthony Rapp was the first to publicly accuse Spacey of badual abuse – he launched an avalanche of allegations

photo: picture alliance / AP Photo

"data-zoom-src =" -baduellen-abuse-before-200844309-56206450 / image / 3.bild. jpg "/>

The actor Anthony Rapp was the first to publicly accuse Spacey of badual abuse – he launched an avalanche of allegations Photo: picture alliance / AP Photo

] In January 2018, it was announced that Scotland Yard In a case of abuse against Spacey, two other cases were investigated by the London police at the time.

Since April 2018, the California Attorney's Office has also been investigating the US actor – in a case that dates back to twenty-six years.

Spacey himself does not comment on the new allegations. After the first allegations were known, he drowned – and entered therapy according to his spokesman.

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