Kissing Croatian king stops cars in Ottakring – readers


The dream of many Croatians comes true: Croatia is in the final of the World Cup after its 2-1 victory against England! After the thrilling match, the party in Vienna-Ottakring really started. Hundreds of fans burst into the Ottakrtinger Street restaurants and celebrated the appearance of their "Vatreni".


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Croatian kisses every car after triumph

A Croatian fanatic, like so many others, celebrated with his friends in a bar. Of course, share his joy with everyone. He did not stop in front of pbading cars.

He was standing in front of the vehicles, singing and singing, and he quenched the caps with love – only then did he let them roll. Motorists saw this especially with humor: they honked and even celebrated with the fans on the side of the road.

For security reasons, the police cordoned off part of the Balkan territory – no longer here. The party lasted until the end of the hours and was completely peaceful.

The next football match could already take place on Sunday, because at 17:00, Croatia plays against France in Moscow for the title of the World Cup.

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