Krupp Foundation talks with Kone about the merger of the elevator division Thyssen – newspaper | message


FRANKFURT (Dow Jones) – The industrial group based in Essen ThyssenKrupp does not seem to find peace. The head of the main shareholder of ThyssenKrupp, Krupp Foundation, Ursula Gather, has, according to a newspaper article with the Finnish elevator manufacturer Kone, investigated a possible merger of elevator divisions. The first meeting between Gather and the billionaire and majority shareholder of Kone Antti Herlin was held two years ago at Villa Hill, writes the Handelsblatt without specifying a source.

Herlin then wrote a letter to the recently resigned CEO of ThyssenKrupp, Heinrich Hiesinger. However, he rejected such a project with reference to the will of the patriarch of the company Alfried Krupp.

A spokesperson for ThyssenKrupp did not comment on the report at the request of Dow Jones Newswires and referred to the statement at Handelsblatt.

He states that "in the contacts requested by the majority shareholder of Kone, the Foundation has always referred to the responsibility of the company for elevator matters, but the Thyssenkrupp AG's Executive Board has always been informed of the discussions Declarations and Decisions on Competitor Inquiries. "

The elevator business accounts for just under half of the consolidated result and is considered the pearl of the conglomerate. If their profits were valued in the same way as those of specialized competitors Kone or Schindler, the division would have more value than the entire ThyssenKrupp group.

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