Kuhn under pressure: Harbingers of a twilight of the gods | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


by J. Leitner and M. Schramek

Erl, Innsbruck, Vienna – One last time Gustav Kuhn forges at the Erl Festival the "Ring of the Nibelungen": Tonight, stands "Das Rheingold" In the program, the tetralogy is decided on Sunday morning with the "Götterdämmerung"

Meanwhile, the signs that the Festival and its artistic director are threatened with a twilight of the gods are thickened from the scene. Yesterday, five former artists involved in Erl issued a letter addressed to festival president Hans Peter Haselsteiner, in which they accused Kuhn of "continuing abuse of power and badual badault". And they signed the letter in full name. "Some of us have also been exposed to such (abusive) kisses: unwanted kisses on the mouth or chest, grabbing under the sweater, grabbing between the legs etc." Not to mention the verbal contact obscene, "write the five musicians, including the Swiss soprano Mona Somm, who sang the Brünnhilde in the" Erler "Götterdämmerung" last year .The letter was also signed by the singers Bettine Kampp – also to Erl in 2017 – and Julia Oesch, appeared on the Erler stage for the first time in 1998, as well as violinists Aliona Dargel and Ninela Lamaj

Julia Oesch confirmed the allegations yesterday afternoon with the Ö1 Culture Journal. The singer pointed out that everything in the letter was lived this way.

Time and again, "the limits of dignity and respect for the person" were neglected and exceeded, according to the initiative of the Artist "Lett re published. "Mbadive psychological abuse in the form of moral harbadment, public exposure, humiliation and harbadment" was on the agenda. "Those who did not follow the rules of the game were punished for retaliation and marginalization" or "ridiculed coram publico".

That, despite this "well-known factual situation, the necessary consequences are yet to come, both from the president of the festival The musicians also complain from the competent politicians"

The festival president, Hans Peter Haselsteiner, did not want to comment yesterday on the allegations. He will give a quick statement, but no quick shots, he said at the request of the TT

Council of Agriculture Beate Palfrader (ÖVP), the latest of the latest developments to the grant by the country with 1.15 million euros per year On holiday, the new allegations against Gustav Kuhn were "very badly affected". Palfrader said in TT interview: "We certainly can not move on to the agenda now". The Foundation Board of the Festival, in addition to Haselsteiner and Palfrader as well as Jürgen Meindl is a member of the federal government, should meet as soon as possible and discuss the way forward.

Expressed in the same way the Minister of Culture Gernot Blümel: "take immediately all necessary measures to ensure a fast and complete education." Consequences ", as the end of the subsidies, however, requires the Tyrolean SPÖ." For the federal government and the state, there is a clear mandate for action in the case of Erl ", write Kultursprecher Benedikt Lentsch and National Councilor Selma Yildirim in a joint statement.The incidents described in the artist's letter describe them as" shocking. "

The Tyrolean Greens Go Further: Gustav Kuhn Must to be suspended for the moment, asks a press release to its deputy chairman, Georg Kaltschmid.

This is necessary out of respect for the musicians, who have had the courage to make the allegations public. in this "as in all other cases", the presumption of innocence applies, but that does not mean "that one must be inactive," said Kaltschmid. "It should be in everyone's interest that Mr. Kuhn get out of the spotlight until that all the allegations have been clarified by the prosecutor and, if necessary, before the courts. "This year's festivals are still in progress this week.

Landscape Consultant Palfrader does not want to exclude the festival director's leave as requested by his coalition partner. It was "a possibility of many", to which, however, she should contact Haselsteiner and Meindl.

Gustav Kuhn himself is silent about the new allegations. Yesterday, through the intermediary of his lawyer, former Justice Minister Michael Krüger, he stated that he knew how to defend himself against this "hunt for the man" by all the means of the rule of law. According to Krüger, some of the authors of the letter have not played in Erl for many years, or their engagements have not been extended for artistic reasons.

The Kuhn-Erl contract runs until 2020. The rumor that the director's successor has already been found persists for weeks persistently. The probability that she may take her position prematurely has increased several times since yesterday.

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