Language assistants have problems with accents and dialects

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Amazons Alexa and the Assistant Google are two
Language Assistants
who advertise to make life easier for users. However, this only works if the owner speaks "correctly," like the Washington Post, in collaboration with researchers, found in a study of 100 subjects. No matter how a person speaks English, if there is an accent the success rate of voice commands for both badistants decreases considerably. Third-party products have not been studied in the study but it is likely that they have similar problems with divergent pronunciations.

The Washington Post sees this inadequacy of the badistance systems are another example of discrimination in the world of technology and compares them to the preference of facial recognition software for white faces . The survey concludes that individuals with a Chinese accent must expect a 2.6% lower understanding rate, Spanish accents cut 4.2 % and Indian pronunciation leads to a slightly worse result. Works best on
The accents of the west coast of the United States or Millerer West, people from the south of United States are at a disadvantage here. Amazon prefers the East Coast and the South

Also Discriminates Against British

In the field of media reading, the badistant includes 91.8% of submissions from people with accent of the East Coast of the United States, Spanish pronunciation only 79.9 percent. Also in the understanding of noisy reading titles cut accents on the British, much worse than the American pronunciation. Both
and Google state that they are aware of these errors and are working to improve their systems.

The limited function could allow the strongest people
are excluded from the use of language badistants . In addition to accents dialects also represent a major problem for language badistants . Dialect of Vorarlberg may contain the The systems do not care about it at all


Amazons Alexa and the badistant Google are two
Language Assistants
who advertise to make life easier for users. However, this only works if the owner speaks "correctly," like the Washington Post, in collaboration with researchers, found in a study of 100 subjects. No matter how a person speaks English, if there is an accent the success rate of voice commands for both badistants decreases considerably. Third-party products have not been studied in the study but it is likely that they have similar problems with divergent pronunciations.

The Washington Post sees this inadequacy of the badistance systems are another example of discrimination in the world of technology and compares them to the preference of facial recognition software for white faces . The survey concludes that individuals with a Chinese accent must expect a 2.6% lower understanding rate, Spanish accents cut 4.2 % and Indian pronunciation leads to a slightly worse result. Works best on
The accents of the west coast of the United States or Millerer West, people from the south of United States are at a disadvantage here. Amazon prefers the East Coast and the South

Also Discriminates Against British

In the field of media reading, the badistant includes 91.8% of submissions from people with accent of the East Coast of the United States, Spanish pronunciation only 79.9 percent. Also in the understanding of noisy reading titles cut accents on the British, much worse than the American pronunciation. Both
and Google state that they are aware of these errors and are working to improve their systems.

The limited function could allow the strongest people
are excluded from the use of language badistants . In addition to accents dialects also represent a major problem for language badistants . Dialect of Vorarlberg may contain the systems do not care about it at all.

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