Lauda to the aeronautical conflict: "It'll be fine"


In the plane dispute leased by Lufthansa for Laudamotion, the driver of the former rider and the founder of the airline Niki Lauda are optimistic. "It will be fine," said Niki Lauda in the Sontnag edition of AUSTRIA. However, he did not want to comment on the hearing of July 20, which was to decide leases in London

Lufthansa terminated leases

The German AAU parent Lufthansa recently leased the Holiday flyer for nine Airbus announced that she rented to Laudamotion. Laudamotion repeatedly did not pay the bills, Lufthansa justified the move. Laudamotion, on the other hand, stated that the lease payments were settled on time and that Lufthansa was late in paying rental fees for flights operated by Laudamotion in March, April and May for Lufthansa [19659004Thecancellationoftheaircraftrentalcontractstocause"maximumdamage"totheLamamotionandtotheirfull-seasonpbadengersinthewakeofthenewownershipoftheLamamotionRyanairwhichwasgrantedtotheapprovaloftheEuropeanArmy

Appointment to the Causa on July 20

On July 20, the Causa had a hearing date. As long as the procedure is going on, the plane remains unchanged at Laudamotion. The nine aircraft in question were as usual in service and are all programmed in the air, said Laudamotion CEO Andreas Gruber on Friday for APA. Overall, the fleet of the holiday aircraft currently has 19 machines.

The Ex-racing driver and founder of Lauda had resumed the bankruptcy of Air Berlin and Niki Niki once founded by him and carried under the name of Laudamotion in March revived. A little later, he brought the cheap Irish airline Ryanair as a new shareholder, who first secured a 24.9% minority stake.

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