Lena Meyer-Landrut publishes a picture of horror: she is barely recognizable – and blonde


Lena Meyer-Landrut has posted a horror picture on Instagram. The singer looks completely changed, even for her hardcore fans.

Lena Meyer-Landrut publishes shock photo – she is almost unrecognizable

Update from October 28, 2018 to 22:57: Gänsehaut-Feeling provokes Lena Meyer-Landrut with her fans. The singer (27) has published a photo on Instagram on which she is barely recognizable. Blood flows from his eyes. And with a white corneal lens and blonde hair, Lena Meyer-Landrut really looks troubling. The zombie bride is "Halloween mood" as she writes herself on the photo.

Their supporters are a little confused, but celebrate the look of morbid horror. From "Oh my god, Lena", "It sounds like victims of domestic violence, but good" to "It's horror," reads in the comments.

"Really good, good and we can see it again, the real beauty can not disfigure", praises a strangely beautiful admirer. One detail, however, leaves many people speechless: his wig. Most blondes find it just beautiful. The hair color is unfaithful and his mane is bleached?

"Embarrbading": Lena Meyer-Landrut publishes a photo – and at the same time shows too much skin

Update of October 28, 2018: Lena Meyer-Landrut is no longer just for music and her victory at ESC, but also for her, sometimes very revealing images on Instagram. And Saturday, the 27-year-old has hit again. In the social network, Lena Meyer-Landrut uploaded a photo that attracted some of her fans.

In the picture, Lena is sitting in a chair and looking at her mobile phone. But their followers care less – because what attracts the most attention of the spectators, it is the white body, molding, to the very high cut, the port of Lena Meyer-Landrut and the march which covers the essential. Your legs? Are naked. Only at the feet, she wears a pair of white sneakers. And this is obviously not enough for many of their fans.

"Cheap and slutty," commented a user of the revealing photo and another discovery: "Beautiful slut." Another user is annoyed by the permissive flow of photos from the winner of the ESC contest: "1001." Photoshop photo of herself, hated and unembarrbaded.Lena is not a serious musician and it is not the same. is a shame for all women, it only identifies with the body, embarrbading. "

Video: Lena's incredible transformation from CES

Lena Meyer-Landrut slips her trendy drink into tight-fitting outfits – fans focus only on one detail

Update of October 24, 201
8: Matcha Latte is "in" for a while. Many celebrities swear by the drink made from green tea.

singer Lena Meyer-Landrut (27) is recently unmarked in a post on Instagram as a fan of matcha latte. Apparently, this plays a special role for the winner of the ESC.

"At Matcha Latte, I do not hear," writes Lena Meyer-Landrut about the photo and adds another smiley. In addition, the artist was photographed with a large glbad by hand in a sports outfit without culture. She stands in front of an exposed brick wall and always has a transparent straw on her lips. But what Lena Meyer-Landrut likes to eat does not seem to interest some fans.

Lena Meyer-Landrut polarizes her fans

The comments all deal with a different subject: Lena's belly and especially her weight. The question of whether the 27-year-old woman has too few ribs in the ribs again and again divides her fans. Some are worried and shocked, find the singer too skinny.

"More ribs than six-pack? Watch out for the diet, do you like it!", Warns a fan. "You're very pretty, but you have to eat more," says another.

Others are enthusiastic about their figure or just do not understand these discussions about eternal weight. The reactions are annoyed accordingly. "Oh my God, all, you have to eat more -" babble "," again only complete posts on the road, you should eat more, such nonsense "or" Let her live her life " is read in the comments.

Lena Meyer-Landrut surprises her fans and shows her baby now

Updated October 22, 2018: It's only a snapshot, but Lena Meyer-Landrut (27) manages a powerful whirlwind. Because with this picture, the singer really surprised her fans on Instagram. The 27-year-old girl openly shows her baby.

"Me and my baby # 1," writes Lena Meyer-Landrut at Insta Post and ends up with a heart-emoji. Their supporters applaud and are delighted. "In the comments, as you are nice", "Dreamteam" or "you are so pretty".

The baby is "Kiwi", the sweet hybrid of the singer Lena Meyer-Landrut. The musician adopted the shelter dog about two years ago. "Kiwi" is a street dog from Greece. In fact, "Kiwi" also has its own Instagram account. In recent months, however, there have been few publications. Maybe Lena Meyer-Landrut feels guilty, so she – a whole mistress – has issued a statement of love so touching for his girlfriend.

Lena Meyer-Landrut leans far forward with a deep neckline

Update of October 14, 2018: If you have a deep neckline, avoid leaning too far. Lena Meyer-Landrut whistles on this rule and posts a photo on Instagram. Even though this one is in a black and white aesthetic, you can still see a lot of fans on the bust. This comes from a comment, but it's too offensive to play it here.

There are many compliments of the brand "How good can a person be?" – And some find that Lena looks like she is in the bathroom.

Lena Meyer-Landrut is particularly lascivious – and quickly gets a clear offer

Update of October 12, 2018: Wow, what a picture! Lena Meyer-Landrut released a new Instagram photo late Thursday night. Lasciviously, she puts her head in her hand and squeezes her little finger against the striking red lips. A pensive look at the heavily painted eyes.

Lena quickly receives an offer from a fan: "You want to be my girlfriend," writes one of them – and (of course) receives no response at the beginning. "Uh is getting hotter my darling," added another. "Mmh you are such a seductive woman" a third user.

In reality, the photo is rather serious than erotic. "Overcome your fears", then "Overcome your fears," wrote Lena.

The 27-year-old should be delighted with the many compliments received, with the exception of a few critics, such as the fact that the photo was taken. "Beautiful", "Sooo cute", "A very serious and thoughtful but beautiful face" are other reactions of followers.

But our favorite comment remains: "You are so beautiful and all who read it too." Thank you, dear Instagram user "lotti.ldr".

Lena Meyer-Landrut publishes a new photo on Instagram

Update of October 6, 2018:

Lena Meyer-Landrut posted a new picture on Instagram. The 27-year-old singer poses between two men – tie and suit. Background: Lena was invited to a charity event.

"On the occasion of October 3, the day of German unity, which means the process of freedom and self-determination, that is to say, to have the possibility of realizing dreams in our country, to realize whatever her bad, her skin color or her skin, we love ", she starts the text next to the image.

Lena Meyer-Landrut: The picture on Instagram ensures Zoff among the fans

At first, it does not seem to interest his fans. A follower looks at a very different detail: his face. The user writes, "Help, what happened to his face? Botox ?? Vaporized lips ??? "It does not please so much to other fans." No, I just bloated the bads blatantly, "countered a user with irony." Your questions are so useless and just cheeky. "

Another user asks if Lena Meyer-Landrut is pregnant? When you look at his tonic belly, it is rather unrecognizable. On the other hand, she receives a lot of praise for her charity campaign.

Lena Meyer-Landrut publishes a new photo – her legs attract the eye

Update of October 4, 2018:

Another noisy sweater! But the orange blur is not the only thing that draws attention to Lena Meyer-Landrut's new Instagram photo. Legs, barely veiled, show their eyes! "You have such beautiful legs," raves a user. And the photo even gives the impression that the singer has no pants. Like once at the World Cup.

We even aim below the belt: "Hands in the air," he asks. Others are more friendly. "Wow beautiful" and "as pretty as ever" is also said.

Who wipes to the right or clicks on the arrow but sees all the clothing, even from behind: the catchy sweater Lena is therefore badociated with short black pants and tight.

Lena-Meyer Landrut is on vacation in Paris

Update of October 1, 2018:

Lena-Meyer Landrut likes to share her holidays with her fans on Instagram. So also during his trip to France. In fact, she moved to Paris. More precisely, at the Sacré-Cœur minor basilica in Montmartre, a Roman Catholic pilgrimage church in the Neo-Byzantine style.

Anyone expecting one of their usual permissive pictures will be disappointed. Although Lena rarely shows up in a long-sleeved shirt, the singer knows exactly what's in a church.

Lena-Meyer Landrut: A follower on Instagram has an urgent request

It's rather a comment on the picture that catches the eye. A disciple tells a tragic story and asks Lena for help: "Hello my dear, Unfortunately, the nephew of my friend, 9 years old, has leukemia.The chemotherapy treatments since May have unfortunately not succeeded and we are looking for a suitable stem cell donor Since you have such a long range, we ask you to share the link to his page and that of dkms in general for donations !! It is quick and easy to to be tested, to stay – to give! Thank you very much! #helftkai "

Whether Lena-Meyer Landrut complies with the request or not was not clear at first. If you still want to help Kai, you can find out HERE.

Lena Meyer-Landrut is a mystery with new photos – fans have a hint

Update of September 29, 2018:

Lena Meyer-Landrut released TWO new Instagram photos Friday. The surprise: she has relatively high rates for her. Above, a thick red fleece sweater. On the second picture (wipe on the phone or on the desk, click on the arrow), then at least a short skirt and bady boots to admire.

But Lena wants to go instead to her eyes. "Guess who I'm looking at," she calls her fans. There are several sweet Emojis. In this respect, it will be clear who his loving gaze applies: his boyfriend Max. Was he at the shoot?

Fans have the same suspicion: "You probably look at Max" is one of the many similar comments (in addition to various "Sooooo pretty" brand titles or "Oh my god, I must have this jersey. where does he come from? ").

And for a follower, it's more a hope than a reality if it answers the question "Guess who I'm looking at" with a "me".

Update of September 28, 2018: Lena Meyer-Landrut in an ultra-short breakaway

Lena Meyer-Landrut's latest Instagram photo is again dedicated to her partnership with a cosmetics manufacturer. The singer hangs on a street post and writes "Suspended in Paris" – the picture was taken in the French capital.

Remarkable: how high is the top that Lena wears. She often wears clothes without culture. But its slender middle part is rarely visible.

For some, this belly is a bit too thin. "Eat something, you have a role model, think about it," accuses someone.

Another user hits Lena: "Are you all jealous of your character?" Who are you for whom Lena is good or bad? Lena, you look great and you feel very good. Please, stay as you are! "

There are two camps under the photo, which is not often the case on his Instagram profile. And simply because of a promotional image …

Update of September 24, 2018:

Lena Meyer-Landrut fans on Instagram have been getting their money lately. Almost daily, the singer publishes selfies and snapshots of her life on her social media channel, which she likes to use to feed her followers. Just two weeks ago, the latest ESC winner, Germany, let her supporters take part in her Greek holidays – including bikini photos – and on her return home , the 27-year-old woman knows how to convince.

In his last post, Meyer-Landrut seems more serious and more serious in the lens of the camera and comments his expression with the comment "In fact, I am much happier, while I look in this picture." But the sight of many fans will probably not be focused solely on their facial expression, because a little further, the singer shows a tight outfit. Under a black jacket that hangs over her shoulders, she wears a strapless top that allows her to see the body of her dreams.

The followers it seems to please anyway. " Magnificent! It does not matter with which facial expression, "wrote a user." Very cool … you're like a wine … improving, "notes another, in the story of Insta on his channel The 27-year-old is also showing off what this trendy outfit is all about, you can see them behind the scenes before an appearance, to the sound of the song "Stardust" to the sound of two acoustic guitars. .

Update of September 21, 2018: Lena Meyer-Landrut in a Wow dress

Lena Meyer-Landrut has published a new photo – which impressed in many ways. First of all, she looks very mature. "You look like Victoria Beckham here," says a user. Add to that the thoughtful look that it underlies by its text.

And: Whoever does not look at Lena Meyer-Landrut in front, but lets her gaze wander further away, could almost think that something is emerging from the dress … but that depends on the imagination of each individual .

Update of September 20, 2018: Lena Meyer-Landrut in a Wow dress

Lena Meyer-Landrut was invited to the Dreamball 2018 as a guest. Since 2006, the annual charity gala has been held in Berlin. This year's Dreamball motto, organized by the humanitarian organization DKMS Life, was: "Brave, Bright, Beautiful".

At the evening gala, Lena was also on stage and presented a superb performance. She also performed her winning song at "Satellite" ESC with confidence.

She did not want to hide a snapshot of her no-record party dress on Instagram. For the photo, she sent a message to her supporters and to all the people who are fighting cancer: "Last night was special, thank you for inviting me to the dreamball party.Love to all strong souls and beautiful people who fight against cancer. "

Most of his fans were really excited about the dress. "Is incredibly beautiful in the dress," wrote a user. Another one particularly liked the décolleté in the back: "A beautiful back can also delight." But all were not so enthusiastic, especially the cut around the back did not like them: "At Po, he throws wrinkles and fun bumps … Impossible on the body, must be on the dress."

More information on Lena Meyer-Landrut can be found here: Lena Meyer-Landrut looks completely changed – One detail worries fans

Update: Oops! What has slipped here at Lena Meyer-Landrut?

Lena Meyer-Landrut took a short break on the Greek island of Mykonos. The 27-year-old lolls are pleasant in the sun by the pool, as the photos impressively show on his Instagram account. The singer also gives a very intimate glimpse of her holidays. Lena Meyer-Landrut shows up for a job at a very special time, namely in the morning. Apparently, I just got up, still a little sleepy, wrapped in a fluffy bathrobe without makeup. Her hair hid the singer under a towel turban.

What does Lena Meyer-Landrut wear under the fluffy bathrobe?

"Morning", writes Lena Meyer-Landrut and defines a sun-emoji as a point. Then the significant hashtag #kriegdieaugennichtnichtauf.

A bare knee can be seen at the bottom of the image. Her chin supported the 27-year-old with her hand. Dreamily, she looks at the camera as the bathrobe slips from her left shoulder. Lena Meyer-Landrut is probably naked under the sponge. Whatever it is, do not point bikini top or lingerie. Coincidence or intention? A few inches more, and no one would have to question their sensual morning look.

See you here on tz.de *: Warm bikini – thank you Lena Meyer-Landrut for her holidays

Update: Lena publishes a photo of warmer sea

Thursday night, Lena Meyer-Landrut is ready. And showed himself getting ready for dinner and putting on his earrings.

"You become more and more beautiful every day," promptly exults a fan. "That's how you're going to eat?", Another person questions about the tight outfit

The photo has emerged! Lena Meyer-Landrut looks completely changed, as reported extratipp.com *.

Lena Meyer-Landrut publishes bady photo on Instagram – fans confuse her with another star

Mykonos – While the end of the summer in Germany is slowly but surely approaching its inevitable end, the singer Lena Meyer-Landrut does not get much for the moment. The 27-year-old, who will release her new studio album in November, is currently enjoying a sunny break on the beautiful Greek island of Mykonos, and her fans will of course not be neglected either.

More #Lena: Wow! Lena Meyer-Landrut sends holiday greetings to the bikini area, as reported by extratipp.com *.

"Früchtchen" Lena delights her fans out of the holidays

Recognized for turning her followers' heads on Instagram and gaining a thorough insight into their lives, Meyer-Landrut has already announced Wednesday with a snapshot of her pool that she had only received one from her family. Tight swimsuit adorned with an elegant lemon print The singer also sent Thursday warm and fruity-stylish greetings from the Greek archipelago. This time, the lemon had to serve another fruit.

"Peachy" – which means both peach and "wonderful" – stands on the hood worn by the 27-year-old woman, while she looks lasciviously in the lens of her smartphone. In addition, Lena wears a strapless black top that lets her see, tanned by the Greek body and sun. A message to her disciples, the singer with: "Hello, have a good day and try today to be your best friend, enjoy yourself and love yourself."

Video: Lena shows her stretch marks

Lena reminds her fans of another superstar: "Looks like …"

A request that seems to please their fans. "Why do you always say exactly what's going to you? Thank you Leni," wrote a user on Instagram. "Inspiration from the first day", praises another fan of the singer. But the 27-year-old's look in the comments provides a lot of talk, because a lot of fans feel in Lena's latest image, recalls another pop star.

"Here you look like Victoria Beckham", you can read in the comments column. "You look like Victoria Beckham in the photo.Can decide for yourself whether it is good or bad," writes another user.The winner of the German ESC also reminds other fans of the fact. Spice Girl and the wife of former football star David Beckham, hopefully the 27-year-old, unlike her British Doppelganger, did not learn to laugh.

Spice girl and wife-player Victoria Beckham.

© dpa / Guillaume Horcajuelo

By the way: Three years after the last TV appearance: Stefan Raab celebrates his return!

Lena Meyer-Landrut fans are watching in the tube tonight – the fund remains mysterious

Also exciting: Stefan Mross, folk music, Bremen singer

fd / ml

* extratipp.com is part of the national digital publishing network Ippen.

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