Lena Meyer-Landrut: The singer shocks fans with a horror photo


Cologne –

It's really scary …

Lena Meyer-Landrut scared her fans with a horror picture.

Here is the beautiful woman of 27 years with blond hair, two different eye colors and bloodshot eyes. She is wearing a wreath and looks dark in the camera.

Lena Meyer-Landrut is a fan of Halloween

What happened here? Lena is no longer recognizable.

"Halloween mood" writes the singer on the photo and clarifies her fans. Lena is a real fan of the scary Halloween party.

Your followers are certainly excited. "Now I can not go back to sleep," jokes one of them. Another writes: "Madness, you do not recognize them anymore."

Read here: Lena is back at "The Voice Kids"

Many are of the opinion that their idol is the color of blond hair is particularly good. Maybe it's an idea for a new style in the future ?! Who knows …

October 31 can certainly come with the outfit.


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