Letter from the horror chain Momo irritates WhatsApp – Multimedia


"Hello, I am Momo and I died three years ago." So begins a new chain letter, which is going around WhatsApp. "I've been hit by a car and if you do not want me to put myself in your room at 0:00 tonight and watch you sleep, then send this message to 15 people that you do not believe me?"

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And then another threat, which happens to those who do not respond: "Angelina 11 has the message for fake and sent it Nobody else in the night, she hears noises in a corner of her room, she wanted to watch, but suddenly she was thinking of her … The next morning, she found Dead in bed. spelling and grammar have been preserved.

Scary Photo

But it's still "scary" because the profile picture of several accounts "Momo" seems to be out of date. a horror movie WhatsApp users look a weird gooey-eyed smile with an unpleasant smile.

Instead of a Photoshop exercise, it's probably a problem. Japanese statue exposed at the Vanilla Gallery in Tokyo.In fact, "Momo" is a so-called yokai, so a ghost of popular belief ja

That this is not just a harmless joke, the Spanish police has made it clear. Because: Criminals could exploit the trend with free-rider accounts

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