Lichtenberger singer also accuses Gustav Kuhn of sexual assault


Singer Gustav Kuhn Lichtenberger accuses badual badault

Tyrolean Festival Erl: Soprano Manuela Dumfart describes in a conversation with ONachrichten, what she lived with the director in 2015

  Gustav Kuhn also accuses the following badual badault

Manuela Dumfart Image: Hechenberger

"I did not sign the letter of these five courageous women because". they did not tell my individual story, "says Manuela Dumfart in an interview with ONachrichten. The soprano of the community Mhlviertler Lichtenberg means open writing artists Aliona Dargel (violin), Bettine Kampp (soprano), Ninela Lamaj (violin), Julia Oesch (mezzo-soprano) and Mona Somm (soprano), who last week in Erls Festival President Hans Peter Haselsteiner to highlight the badual badaults perpetrated by festival director Gustav Kuhn. "Mr. Kuhn also caught me between my legs and under the sweater during a conversation up here normal, and he also tried to kiss me," Dumfart said.

Protecting Young Women

What they are now talking about is due to her desire to "challenge these brave women, but not with a letter, but with my own experiences, and also because I want to protect the young women, young artists in the future such catastrophic situations I am only a small piece of healing mosaic – but anyone who has a baby girl can understand me for sure.

The girl and the soprano were under contract from 2011 to 2015 at the Erl Festival. At the end, the collaboration ended after the badual badault was reported

The incident occurred on the Kuhn property in Tuscany in February 2015. According to Dumfart, he was for use as members of the ensemble go to rehearsals. Dumfart then left and canceled all existing arrangements with the Tyrolean Erl Festival.

First, the singer entrusted to his family. When Kuhn – presumed innocent – came to court in the spring of this year against blogger Markus Wilhelm, who published anonymous charges on his website "", Dumfart made himself available as a witness in the process following. "It was and it's not at all a matter of revenge or satisfaction, but I want the truth to be their right," says the singer. It was the only time that had happened to him during his career.

A graduate of the Bad Leonfelden Institute of Tourism, Dumfart attended a singer training at the Bruckner University of Linz and at the Salzburg Mozarteum. This production, in which she sang Gruner Almaviva in Mozart's "Le nozze di Figaro", received the 2009 INTHEGA Audience Award for the best interpretation of guest performance in Germany. Among others, Elisabeth in "Tannhuser" by Wagner and Donna Elvira in Mozart's "Don Giovanni" are part of his repertoire.

The sick "Erlknig" emerges from the throne of the festival

Gustav Kuhn leaves the accusations against him by his lawyer, former FP Minister of Justice Michael Krger, rejecting and talking about a "hunt". "man over 72 years old (ON reported). Nevertheless, Kuhn retired yesterday after a meeting of the management board of the festival with immediate effect of Erl's leadership. In 1997, the conductor founded the festival. The contract of the air "Erlknigs" until 2020. When he resigned from his post until the resolution of the charges, he reasoned to want to avoid the damage of the festival.

The Council had Kuhn's decision, he says. His temporary badistant Andreas Leisner was in charge of interim management. The allegations would be taken seriously and each of them should be the subject of an investigation.

The possible return of Gustav Kuhn depends not only on the investigations of the public prosecutor's office but also on the Equal Treatment Commission of the Federal Chancellery. call. "This commission will issue an opinion and only if it comes to the conclusion that the allegations are false or insufficiently founded, Kuhn can return," said Festival President Hans Peter Haselsteiner. As the reversal of the burden of proof applied to the Commission for Equal Treatment – Kuhn must therefore give credibility to the discrimination – constitutes a "major complication" for the "Maestro". "Kuhn has to prove that he is innocent," says the industrialist. 19659016] Also singer Lichtenberger accuses Gustav Kuhn of badual badault "sizes =" 561px "srcset =" jpg 561w, 842w, 1/0/6 / 2046011_grundtext-561-1122w_1roboh_T1NrRU.jpg 1122w, 1683w "src =" https : // "/>

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