Liechtensteinische Landesbank acquires Semper Constantia Privatbank «


Semper Constantia Privatbank AG is now wholly owned by Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG (LLB). The complete takeover, which cost about 185 million euros, was completed today, Wednesday, the LLB said in a statement. The purchase contract was signed shortly before Christmas

The acquisition of Semper Constantia makes Austria a "third major market" alongside Liechtenstein and Switzerland and the 39, significantly expand "the supply of services in Austria". The acquisition also opens the LLB group's entry into the Austrian market for fund services.

With the takeover of LB (Swiss) Investment AG in Zurich, completed on April 3rd, LLB has already secured entry into the Swiss fund market. According to the company, the group is also expanding its fund business in Austria. "The two acquisitions represent a giant leap forward in the implementation of our" StepUp2020 "strategy," says CEO Roland Matt.

Up to now, the Federal Financial Markets Authority (FMA) gave Semper Constantia the green light at the end of September LLB Austria merged with Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG This means that the largest badet management bank in Austria with combined client badets of more than 18 billion 39; euros is in the process of being created Bernhard Ramsauer, chairman of the supervisory board Gabriel Brenna, will be CEO

In 2017, LLB Austria recorded a net profit of 3.9 million euros and at the end from 2017, the volume of business amounted to 2.55 billion euros.From 2009, the LLB group is active in this country with its subsidiary Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG with about fifty Employees.The majority shareholder of the LLB is t the Land of Liechtenstein. Its shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange

The two main shareholders of Semper Constantia – the Haselsteiner Family Private Foundation around the industrialist Hans Peter Haselsteiner and the wholesale holding of the investor Erhard Grossnigg – hold approximately 6% of the shares of the SIX Swiss Exchange. LLB, previously they held respectively 64% and 15% of the Semper Constantia Privatbank.


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