Lilly Becker enjoys vacation after separation – with the support of a man


You can count on the best friends. The same goes for Lilly Becker, who enjoys relaxing holidays among women after the separation of her husband Boris. Some gentlemen are also present.

Series of photos with 29 images

Lilly Becker and her friends traveled to the Maldives. Through its Instagram account, the model also keeps its fans informed by providing photos and videos that bring back the summer atmosphere. Brilliant blue water, fresh fruit served in the pool – what more can you ask for?

"Problems with the floating breakfast"

Whatever it is, the one who looks closer will have more. Because the trays full of fruit that we see in a clip, do not swim on the surface of the water, they are worn by three men who hold for Lilly and his friends, the air . On the video, she writes: "Problems with the floating breakfast, who did it better, girls or boys?" Does this belong to the usual service or is it a special reservation? The betrays then at the age of 42 but not. One thing is clear: the ladies are having fun without a doubt. What they do on vacation again for nonsense, you can watch in the video.

The stress of divorce Boris Becker can probably be forgotten by Lilly for a few moments in this beautiful place. Here, she enjoys her life as a single – photos and videos speak volumes.

After 13 years of relationship and nine years of marriage, Lilly and Boris Becker announced their separation at the end of May. Lilly left the common villa in Wimbledon a few weeks ago. The Dutch now give more importance to the well-being of their son. "Her luck is the most important thing for me," she told BamS recently.

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