Linz returns Klimt's photo allegedly lost to heirs


The corresponding agreement was pbaded unanimously Thursday at the city senate. The heirs of the art collector will make the damage already received from 67,000 euros to the city, explained Binder. Next week, it is planned to entrust the work to the Jäger family

This Klimt painting is one of four that the heirs of the art collector and the city of Linz are discussing since 2009. Hunter once lent the exhibitions to the Neue Galerie. The three works of Egon Schiele are still missing. After a year – long dispute, the city of Linz eventually paid a total of 8.34 million damages later.

Theoretically, this would mean that the Causa has been put aside. But then the vice-rector of Lentos found a document in the city archives, according to which the mother of the heirs had canceled the loan in 1990. Thus, according to the legal opinion of the city, only 16 years later claims for damages were time-barred, which is why they brought an action for renegotiation. The Supreme Court (OGH) had reached the conclusion that the state court should re-evaluate the case and after oral proceedings. This negotiation is already complete and the parties to the dispute await the written decision.


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