Lion Cave: Maschmeyer and Dümmel are delighted with this founder


"Waterdrop" is our one and only baby, "say three young Austrians who have devoted all their energy and money to their project in recent years.The small shower cubes enrich the water with natural aromas, d & rsquo; Extracts from real fruits and plants and vitamins. Investors like it, as well as packaging.

And health? Lions want to know for sure: are fresh fruits processed or is a concentrate at the base of the dice? Both founders can answer all questions regarding investor satisfaction. But then it's a question of money and shareholders, and there are already too many who have interests and interests in "Waterdrop" in the game, as Frank Thelen notes.

But Frank Dümmel does not let himself be frightened: "I do not think the subject is good, not very good – I think it's sensational," he says, praising the cubes of the hip . However, he and Dagmar Wöhrl want one million additional investments for the company because: "You are looking for the Champions League and you have to pay for the rewards". In the end, the three Austrians beat and everyone is happy.

"Boneguard": bone carrier of the Eifel

Once again, an invention for dogs is presented in the "Cave of Lions": Sonja Labitzke Mechernich invented the "Boneguard" in order not to lose snacks to chew or crack dangerously. There is also a moving story about the bone bearer: "My own dog would have almost suffocated on a bone," she says. "Well, it stinks," says Frank Thelen. Of course, yes, because otherwise the dog does not like it. The sales figures of the Eifelerin impress him, as does the professional career, but it is obviously not Thelens Beritt. Georg Kofler, too, "can not do anything with the product". Everyone praises Labitzke for the green clover, but no one wants to invest.

"RoadAds": exciting poker on slippery advertising

Rarely a founder was also celebrated by lions as Andreas Widmann. At first, Mannheim's man is rather fragile and pale, and his idea of ​​staffing trucks with advertising displays does not seem to be really bady either. However, Widmann is quickly becoming intelligent, its concept is innovative and thoughtful. The 26-year-old Thelen, Kofler, Wöhrl, Maschmeyer and Dümmel are fighting against the wall and fighting like a lion. This convinces, and Maschmeyer adds to the exclamation: "You are a superstar, you have huge potential!" "Ingenious system" and "a very good performance" praises Dümmel. After long exchanges, the phone calls with Papa Widmann and the offer and the counter-offer of Kofler and Maschmeyer finally arrive.

"FitSeat": Sitting is the new smoker

The "FitSeat" is a combination of ergometer and desk and should improve the health of workers in the office because: "Sitting is the new smoking," says Jan Gumprecht. A little weird, but it looks like the founder is sitting in front of the computer kicking.

The lions also pedal and try to run a laptop on the side. It works half way, but 1700 euros should cost the whole. "It's the meeting room," Thelen hands the inventor on the carpet. In addition, Gumprecht has sold only 13 pieces. Investors judge the "niche", "not the big problem", "too much, not enough" and go out in turn.

"Milquino", the milk machine for desperate parents

The pair of inventors of "Milquino" seems a little overwhelmed: the cellar as a warehouse is full, they have already invested half a million euros, everything is too much work. Four years ago, they were also upset when their newborn son woke up hungry at night and wanted his bottle of milk. Corina and Jochen Riedinger have developed the fully automatic baby bottle. The professional look like a coffee machine and should relieve parents at night – for extra fathers with control of the application. However, multiple mother Judith Williams reports on her baby training and finds a thermos flask of hot water and the previously measured powder actually does, she does not see the benefit. The other woman in the tour, Dagmar Wöhrl, the device is a little less than 280 euros too expensive. All the lions get up, but look sad because the couple had urgent support.

"Fugentorpedo" has been blasphemed in Thelen

Unlike babies, there are cement joints in every household, so the target group of the "Fugent torpedo" is so big. Simple, small and thoughtful, it is reminiscent of the legendary "trickle fairy" of season 3 of "DHDL". The founders of the Tüftler type have developed a set of grinder and brushes with an impregnation pen, which should allow dirty kitchens and bathrooms to shine again. But: "The treatment is inadequate," thinks Frank Thelen. And then, "the joints do not interest me". With these strong words, the technology fan backs away.

DHDL Fugentorpedo Dümmel

Dagmar Wöhrl and Ralf Dümmel are interested in "Fugentorpedo"


MG RTL D / Bernd-Michael Maurer

Judith Williams also does not want to get involved in running away. "We have nanotechnology, we fly on the moon, we have artificial intelligence and we scratch the joints, it's totally absurd …" Frank Prümmel and Dagmar Wöhrl, pragmatic, want to invest the 100,000 euros, see it completely differently, In the clbadic "seller" Dümmel, the founders are on strike.

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