Local SMEs Report Strong Business Losses


Vienna (APA) – In national small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the situation of companies continues to be described as good. However, a study by Creditreform revealed that the turnover curve of the Austrian middle clbad in the autumn of 2018 had fallen sharply.

While the sales balance up and down a year ago was 25.9 percentage points, this year represents an increase of 20.9 percentage points. In recent months, 35.1% of respondents (39.1% the previous year) generated higher revenues, reported Creditreform on Thursday. On the other hand, 14.2% (previous year: 13.2%) had to cope with a decline in sales.

In the autumn of 2018, Creditreform Economic and Economic Research surveyed 1,700 Austrian small and medium-sized businesses about the current economic situation and prospects for the next six months. Tenor: The Austrian economy was doing well in the autumn of this year. However, he lost his momentum.

In this year's fall survey, the middle clbad was still quite relaxed. As a result, the weakening of the economic momentum was not yet felt very much, writes Creditreform. It's only in the service sector that the first dark clouds have risen to the horizon. The business situation and the expectations index have both eased. In the other three major sectors, however, both indexes rose, although less clearly than in the fall of 2017 – even though more businesses in the trade sector complained of declining prices. sales compared to last year.

Medium-sized order books were not as good in recent months as in the fall of 2017. The Autumn Climate Barometer, Creditreform, also reflects the economic downturn of the country at the end of the year. Here, the index could improve by 1.6 point in the autumn of 2018 compared to the previous year, rising from more than 23.9 to 25.5 points, but unlike in previous years, it was lower than the spring result (plus 27.6 points). ,

After the Creditreform climate barometer, which highlighted last spring the best figures since 2007/2008, the peak appears to have been reached in the fall of 2018, according to the statement.

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