Lucerne's "crime scene" of 5 August will divide minds


"Too bad to send? Crisis around Switzerland "entitled" Bild "last weekend. The scheduled date for August 5, Lucerne's episode had failed in the test demonstrations and have even been on the verge, the newspaper wrote. BLICK has already seen the new "crime scene" and knows why the crime story of Dani Levy (60) could spark controversy.

First, there is the design. "Music dies last" is a so-called one-take movie. It was filmed without interruption and with a single camera. An ambitious company because the term and the time are so identical. Acting, dramaturgy and rhythm must be precise, each error is doubly perceptible. The most well-known work is "Cocktail for a Corpse" by Alfred Hitchbad (1899-1980) from 1948. What sounds virtuoso in the intimate setting of a salon at HKKCK is stirred and stirred at the KKL Luzern at a concert gala of 800 guests excited. Conservative viewers will barely know where their head is.

What is it doing?

To direct the audience, Levy relies on the secular but proven role of a narrator, who also visually guides the story. Franky Loving, played by Andri Schenardi (37), is the son of host Walter Loving (Hans Hollmann) – and a pronounced nuisance. We like it or find it repulsive and think: what is the only intus? As a member of the entire Stadttheater Bern, Schenardi left broken hearts when he left for Graz 2015, sharing his mind. But LOOK finds: Schenardi's kamikaze performance alone is worth a Sunday night television.

Holocaust and Anti-Semitism

Levy enters the scene consciously. Walter Loving is an old school boss and used to be an escape aid for persecuted Jews. However, his past does not seem to be perfect. Palestinian friends protesting against the affairs with the state of Israel also gather in front of the KKL. The Holocaust and the Middle East conflict in the form of a dark storm on Lake Lucerne

Levy never shies away from the big arches.

You may find this overpopulated, but Levy never hesitated. Born in Basel in 1984, he has made himself known throughout Switzerland as a cooking badistant for hot peppers in the television series "Motel". He achieved his breakthrough as a screenwriter and director in the late 1980s, before he became interested in Germany and successfully tackling Jewish everyday life there ("Alles auf Zucker! "," Meschugge "). In 2013, he shot the "Tatort" of Lucerne with the title "Dirty Thursday"

From the stadium to KKL

Then as now, Delia Mayer (51) as Liz Ritschard and Stefan Gubser (60) in Reto Flückiger in an exceptional situation and fight against their nerves. Mayer is basically beaten. And Gubser is removed from the football match in the KKL. That's why he's wearing an FCL fan jersey all the time. The killer is not impressed by that. Conclusion: Levy takes the full risk. You like this "crime scene". Or the remote has the last word.

Posted on 17.07.2018 | Updated at 03:58

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