Lugner plans a lawsuit against "Mausi" • NEWS.AT


The conflict of names between Richard Lugner and his ex-wife takes place in the next turn. The 85-year-old plans to sue "Mausi."


A quick look back: On June 28, Christina Lugner divorced. Nobody knew until now that two years ago, she secretly gave her long-time partner Franz Geisselhofer the "yes". Even his daughter Jacqueline and her ex-husband Richard have not been initiated.

"Mausi Lugner" is a registered trademark

What bothers Richard Lugner's narrative, however, is not the fact that "Mausi" hid her marriage, but that she kept her last name. In addition, it had the names "Mausi Lugner", "Frau Lugner" and "Christina Lugner" protected by the Trademark Act. "I would have tolerated this in principle, but first agree with me in court, to abandon the name of Lugner in case of remarriage and then to be protected by patents , which bothers me, "said last week the mortar échauffierte .at.

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In the divorce of Richard Lugner Christina undertook to give his name to a remarriage.

Meanwhile, Richard Lugner met his lawyer Karin Prutsch of Graz and discussed the procedure to follow. According to the divorce comparison, I can change the name and I can also cancel my patented names "Christina Lugner" and "Frau Lugner", with the exception of "Mausi Lugner" (the lawyer , note)
Lugner has not yet made a decision

He has not decided yet whether he is actually going to court, says Richard Lugner in an interview with According to her lawyer, the name "Mausi Lugner" is already so entrenched in the public that she tells him not to complain: "The question is whether it makes sense to risk a lawsuit that we lose then ". said Mortar

Richard Lugner had no contact with his ex-wife, who is currently on vacation, for several days, "but of course she will not be sympathetic to me," he says Now 4 issues News
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