Lunar Eclipse and Mars Approach observable tonight – Austria –


Tonight, two rare astronomical events can be observed simultaneously in the sky: on the one hand, the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century from one hour and 43 minutes and, on the other hand , especially close to Mars. The latter will be seen as an unusually bright spot of light vertically under the red moon.

Tonight, the longest bloodline of the 21st century is coming. This show only occurs at the full moon. But since the orbit of the moon is slightly inclined, the moon often wanders in front of the Earth's shadow, so each full moon is not accompanied by a lunar eclipse. The moon moves behind the earth and enters its shadow. However, the moon is not completely black: the long wave light is refracted by the earth 's atmosphere and directed into the shadow zone. This light makes the moon reddish to brown



In addition to the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century, our neighboring planet Mars will be exceptionally visible. Only every 15 years, Mars arrives as close to Earth as tonight, with only 58 million kilometers separating the two planets. A combination of such a lunar eclipse and the proximity of Mars, there are on average every 105,000 years. The equally red Mars appears as a bright point of light under the moon.

One hour, 43 minutes

The maximum lunar eclipse will begin at 9:30 pm. From about 22 hours it will be quite dark in central Europe for the moon to be clearly visible in the form of a reddish disc to the southeast. Just before the end of the totality at 23:13 sharp, the view of the full moon dark red will probably be the most rewarding

Space Station ISS visible

The International Space Station (ISS) will be exhibited at the same time as the Lunar eclipse. The ISS currently covers about 27,500 kilometers per hour and takes about 90 minutes to circle the Earth. That's why she is often seen in the sky. Tonight, she had to show up at 10:30 pm in the west, then head east. It shines more than any star. It should be visible for six minutes

The lunar eclipse should be conspicuous throughout Vorarlberg. However, this requires an unobstructed view to the southeast and the sky remains cloudless. According to the Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), cloud clouds will form this afternoon, but heat storms should remain an exception. During the evening, the clouds collapse and it happens on a clear night. Thus, there are good conditions to observe the special show

(APA / Red.)

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