Lunar eclipse in the ticker phase: At 22.22 the blood moon reaches its peak


Lunar eclipse in the live ticker: Now begins the show of the century: All information about the lunar eclipse

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Total lunar eclipse 2018: Tonight, not only will a lunar eclipse take place in the sky to observe, but also a particularly close Mars. The rare astronomical sight will be seen in pleasant temperatures and in large parts of the country with a clear view.

22.47 clock: Now also reports Astro-Alex with an image, taken directly from the ISS.

10:45 p.m. [19459017Aunordàl'ouestetausudlavuedesdeuxcorpscélestesrougeoyants(LuneetMars)étaitbadezbonnedansdenombreuxendroitsLeservicemétéorologiqueallemandasignalédesnuages​​isoléspourcesrégionsMoinsdechanceaeudespartieséloignéesdeBrandenburgdeSaxe-AnhaltdeSaxeetdeThuringeLàbeaucoupontregardédesnuages​​d'orageaulieud'uncielétoiléAu-dessusdeBerlindesnuages​​étaientsuspendusMêmeenborduredesAlpeslespectacleducieln'étaitpaspartoutàvoir

22.42 clock: And again once the fascinating red moon:

22.32 clock: Totally impressive: With a clear sky on the Olympic Park in Munich now also to see Mars (here encircled in red).

22:22: Now the moon is completely red blood.

Patrick tweeted an impressive image of the lunar eclipse.

10:18 pm: In addition to the lunar eclipse show, Mars is also to be seen. Mars is about six degrees south of the moon. At the height of the lunar eclipse in a few minutes, the Moon and Mars stand above the horizon. At the end of the darkness at 23:14, the two celestial bodies are much higher. It is really dark and both are reddish.

22:08: People used to think of a lunar eclipse as a dragon devoured the moon, as Scorza and Lesch explain. If you have a little imagination, you could also see it today.

22:00: Astrophysicists Harald Lesch and Cecilia Scorza in an interview with FOCUS Online on the lunar eclipse. Lesch also reveals in the video why the lunar eclipse is also a special event for him.

21:54: Wow, so slowly that the moon looks really spectacular. Here's a picture of Nasa, who tweeted DLR_next.

You can find the live stream NAS here.

21:49: It's getting dark: NASA shows lunar eclipses from different perspectives

21:37: The total phase of the lunar eclipse began. Seven minutes ago, the total phase of the lunar eclipse began. Already at 19:13, the moon has entered the partial shade of the earth, at 8:24 pm, finally in the shade. The maximum eclipse is at 22:22

9:33 pm: The people of southern Italy are also looking to the sky. Here, it looks really good.

21:17: "Without the moon, we would not exist," says Lesch. Such a big Trabant is not Earth because it is so small. The moon is the largest satellite of a planet in the solar system. "There is nothing on the moon, there is no liquid water, a little ice on the polar caps", Lesch describes the terrestrial satellite.

21:11: In Munich, the moon is already up. Harald Lesch is now on stage with a miniature camera, astrophysicist Cecilia Scorza has a model of the earth in her hand and a small moon. They explain that the sun, the moon and the earth are in line with the lunar eclipse. Sunlight has different wavelengths. The moon appears red, because only the red light, which is longer than the blue, reaches it.

20:55 pm: On the stage are Harald Lesch, astrophysicist Cecilia Scorza and Marco Sproviero from the observatory group of the Deutsches Museum observatory. From the Deutsches Museum the lunar eclipse can be observed today.

20: 41: Just in time for the rising of the moon, the conference of astrophysicist and television presenter Harald Lesch will be broadcast in Munich in a few minutes . He will comment on the lunar eclipse in the coming hours. We are here. The hall of the Munich Volkshochschule is already packed.

20:21: The preparations are in full swing. Immediately the show begins finally. For the record: The moon opens in Munich at 8:48 pm, in Hamburg at 9:16 pm, in Cologne at 9:17 pm, in Leipzig at 8:57 pm – the lunar eclipse has already begun.

19.50: No moon to see up to now on Munich. But it will not be long. The moon is about 406,000 kilometers from our blue planet today – for comparison: the average distance between the two celestial bodies is "just" about 385,000 kilometers. In the distance, however, the moon moves a little more slowly in its orbit than near the ground. That's why darkness lasts a little longer.

19:26: If you look closely tonight, you'll see something else in the sky next to the moon and Mars: The ISS. Around 22:30 during the lunar eclipse, it will shine in the evening sky for nearly ten minutes. Astro-Alex has the best view. We hope he sends us spectacular photos of his place in the forefront

6:47 pm: The lunar eclipse can not be much longer than tonight . One hour and 43 minutes will take the lunar eclipse. "With that, she almost reached the maximum possible duration of one hour and 47 minutes," says astronomer Carolin Liefke of the VdS and the House of Astronomy in Heidelberg

An Eclipse Lunar occurs only at the full moon. For the show to be visible, the sun, the earth and the moon must be aligned. Tonight at 9:30 pm, the moon will completely submerge in the shadow of the sun-lit land

18h39: In Munich, there is much to offer in the "long night of the sun" 39 lunar eclipse ". At the Deutsches Museum, anyone interested can watch the show from 8:30 pm through the telescope. Astrophysicist and television presenter Harald Lesch comments on the lunar eclipse at the Munich Volkshochschule from 8:45 pm. We are here for you and here we inform you of the live ticker.

17:04: The peculiarity is: The total lunar eclipse will be the longest of all the 21st century: The moon plunges one hour and 43 minutes completely into the Shadow of the Earth. This lunar eclipse duration will only be exceeded by two minutes on June 9, 2123.

15.30: You want to photograph the dream of the astronomical summer night, but you do not know not how? Here we explain how to capture the show as a pro

14.03: The lunar eclipse begins with the beginning of darkness and ends shortly after midnight. The moon will arrive in Munich at 8:48 pm, in Hamburg at 9:16 pm, in Cologne at 9:17 pm, in Leipzig at 8:57 pm – the lunar eclipse has already begun. The total phase of darkness starts at 21:30, the maximum eclipse is at 22:22. March, on the other hand, can be seen all night.

Friday, 27.07.2018, 1:30 pm: The longest lunar eclipse of the century and at the same time a large and bright March are well Friday in many parts of Germany to see. According to the prediction of the German weather service, the evening sky is largely clear, especially in the north and west. In the southeast and east, however, the clouds can mask the sight of the unique astronomical spectacle, as predicted by meteorologist Sebastian Schappert of the German Meteorological Service of Offenbach. In some places, there may even be showers in these areas with heavy rain and thunderstorms. "But in most parts of Germany, it looks a lot better."

Astronomy fans can enjoy the total lunar eclipse for about 103 minutes – and observe as bright and great Mars as 15 years ago. The Moon and Mars are not far away. "If you want to see one, you will find the other," says the Sternfreunde Association in Heppenheim. "For the people who are living right now, it's a unique event," says the president of the Association of Amateur Astronomers, Sven Melchert

In The Video: The Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of the Century

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