Lunar eclipse of the century: time to observe in detail – Vienna – 1st district


27.07.2018 06:00

(Law of 26.07.2018 19:56)

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The program of the lunar eclipse in Vienna in detail
© Albert Sudy

On Friday evening, the longest lunar eclipse of the century will take place in the first half of the night. But what happens during a lunar eclipse and when can it be seen in Vienna? Here is the schedule in detail.

The ZAMG promises a relatively good weather for most of Austria in order to see the lunar eclipse, at least temporarily. Storm clouds can still be found in some areas, especially in mountainous areas.

Next comparable event only in October 2275

The last total lunar eclipse visible in Austria was on 28 September 2015. The next total eclipses will be 21 January 2019 (total phase not fully visible) and held on 31 December 2028 (fully visible). But we have to wait a long time for a visible lunar eclipse in Austria as long as the current one. It will take place October 5, 2275. But tonight, not only the moon should be observed, but also the planet Mars will be visible.

The "red planet" Mars will shine with the moon around the bet. Because the moon does not disappear completely in the dark in an eclipse. "The moon becomes reddish to brownish in total darkness," says Albert Sudy, ZAMG meteorologist and astronomer, "because it still reaches the scattered light of the earth. deviated in the earth's atmosphere and thus strike the moon in the shadow of the earth.The way the color is accurate can not be predicted.This strongly depends on the current state of the art. Earth's atmosphere, like the amount or the small amount of volcanic dust that is currently present. "

Lunar Eclipse: Tips to Observe

The total phase starts at 9:30 pm and ends at 11:23 pm. You have the best view of the lunar eclipse, if the view to the southeast is as free as possible. Incidentally, a look into the rest of the starry sky is also worthwhile in the dark, the ZAMG expert Sudy recommends: "Initially, Venus and Jupiter can be seen in the west. 39 lunar eclipse, Saturn will appear to the south, and Mars to the southeast, directly under the moon. "

Lunar eclipse times on July 27, 2018

  • 20:24 Early partial eclipse Altitude under 0 ° (not visible)
  • 21:30 beginning total height 7 ° above the horizon
  • 22:21 middle of the darkness height 13 °
  • 23:13 end height total 18 °
  • 00:19 end partial darkness height 21 °
  • 01:30 End of the height of the eclipse 22 °

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