Malta asks the ECB to withdraw its license from Pilatus Bank


Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad

The president of the bank Pilatus allegedly participated in plans to circumvent US sanctions against Iran.

(Photo: Reuters)

Valletta Malta called on the European Central Bank to withdraw the stolen Pilatus bank from the license. The country's financial regulator justified its demand Saturday with the arrest of President Ali Sadr Hashemi Nedzhad and the liquidity shortage of the bank. The Pilatus bank was initially inaccessible for an opinion. The ECB refused to comment

Sadr was arrested in the United States in March. The Iranian is accused of having participated in plans to circumvent US sanctions against Iran. His lawyer then rejected an opinion. After the arrest of Sadr, the Maltese financial regulator froze the badets of the bank and announced all the necessary measures to protect them. She now wants to wait for the ECB's badessment before proceeding, the MFSA said.

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