Management fees gallop – Wiener Zeitung Online


Vienna. The salaries of the leaders of the largest publicly traded companies in Austria have tripled in the last 15 years, while average general salaries in Austria have increased by just under a third – a study of the Chamber of Labor published Thursday.

"This study is not about an envious debate, but about how wages and salaries are divided and, above all, if it's fair," said AK President Renate Anderl at the presentation. of the study. In total, the remuneration of the members of the Management Board is disproportionate and it is not possible to say what would be appropriate. The AK also demands full transparency of wages and salaries within the company. "We are convinced that we can also minimize the difference between the bades."

According to the author of the study, Christina Wieser, an ATX company executive, recorded a 12% salary increase last year.

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