Manowar guitarist: Karl Logan suspected of possession of child pornography


Karl Logan is the guitarist of the metal band Manowar.

© image alliance / dpa / Javier Cebollada

Shock for Manowar fans: According to media reports, guitarist Karl Logan has been arrested for possession of child badgraphy.

Charlotte – Manowar guitarist Karl Logan was arrested on August 9 in Charlotte, North Carolina, on suspicion of possession of child badgraphy. This is reported by the portal "L & # 39; explosion".

Manowar guitarist Karl Logan allegedly possessed child badgraphy

There are six cases of minor third degree abuse. It is said that Logan possessed material which he knew was used by minors during badual activities.

The guitarist was able to leave the prison for a deposit of 35,000 euros. Neither the group nor Logan told the media.

Karl Logan is a guitarist at Manowar since 1994

The metal band Manowar exists since 1980. As a guitarist, Karl Logan has been part of the group since 1994. He then replaced David Shankle. The impact of the arrest and subsequent allegations on the "Final Battle" tour is still unclear. The tour is expected to continue in the spring of 2019.

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