Many talents in science and art have super sons


If it works, then it works: The most important work and search results are usually created during a superstrike. A research group from Northwestern University, in the US state of Illinois, found such a "race" in the careers of most creators

Good Journey: In 1905, Albert Einstein wrote three works in a few months that revolutionized physics. (Photo: KEYSTONE / AP / STR)

(nda / dpa)

For their badysis, published in the journal Nature, the team used the CVs of 3480 artists, 6233 directors and 20,040 researchers from Twentieth century, The second and third best works are often close to the most successful work, according to Roberta Sinatra, researcher on complexity and co-author of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna. "So we're talking about a" trail ": a" race. "

An example of this is Albert Einstein, who in 1905 wrote three works in a few months that revolutionized physics. Even the most successful paintings of Vincent Van Gogh like the famous Sunflowers or the "Starry Night on the Rhone" image have emerged in their most creative phase.

Success lasts five good years

For artists, success lasts on average 5.7 years researchers. For filmmakers, it takes about 5.2 years. In science, the success of an average of 3.7 years is much shorter.

"In previous work, we saw that there is no specific time for the most successful work," Sinatra said. The most influential work could emerge at any moment in life. How does this happen to the high creative, so is unclear. In any case, it is time to make use of it: about two-thirds of creators know only one in their lives.

The success of individual works is determined by the auction price for works of art and international ratings. Movie Database (IMDb). As a measure of the influence of a scientific publication, the number of citations in the first ten years after the publication of the article.

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