Marcel Hirscher is "not yet ready to resign"


Marcel Hirscher is "not yet ready to stop"

FUSCHL. Ski Superstar Marcel Hirscher is not enough: the seven-time World Cup winner continues, as he announced Wednesday in Fuschl am See.


Hirscher Photo: (GEPA)

Covered ski star in terms of his sporting future. At 11 o'clock today, Marcel Hirscher had invited to the Schloss Fuschl Hotel in Flachgau a summer conversation. There, he informed the press representatives of his decision: the newly married athlete and the future father continue. "I'm motivated to keep running, I'm not ready to resign," said Hirscher.

Winter World Cup kicks off with giant slalom on October 28 in Sölden and the World Cup in Aare in February 2019.

Salzburg, 29, spent several months after the end of the season announcing his future planning, it will be a season with Marcel, in what form, I can not say, " said Hirscher.

The double Olympic champion, six times world champion and 58 times winner of the World Cup, is married in June for many years Girlfriend Laura Moisl on the Spanish island of. Ibiza, they are expecting their first child in September


Crowd at the press meeting in Fuschl am See (1945)

Pretty relaxed, in shorts and with attached The sunglbades, has said the 29-year-old in the state of affairs: "I followed, thought, prepared, it's actually brief and concise summary: It happened a lot of beautiful and positive and has closed an incredibly big year, "said the two-time Olympic champion in February in Pyeongchang, who married his longtime partner Laura Moisl in June (" a wonderful day ") and became his first father in September.

Is Us Every time he wants to become a season to come with the World Cup and the World Cup with him, regardless of his form, the legend of Salzburg said: "I can not to say today, but I am already motivated to run again.I am physically great, mentally I have also recovered very well.This was very successful in giving air and distance. These are components where I said that the love for the sport is extremely big, I'm still not ready to stop it. "

" It's a bit of a dependence behind that "

After the" time and mental emptiness "as a logical consequence of abundance before" after the end of the season, it was a long process and he was very serious to get a clear signal to continue. " It's a bit of an addiction behind her, skiing, especially the competition is at workout, he noted that the body and mind are ready to push the boundaries and beyond.

He will not do it, because of the private changes that Hirscher wants to keep private "There will be a season when he will have to weigh what he wants, then it is possible that he will not have it. did not have two weeks at the World Ski Championships in February 2019 in Aare but only two days

"I have now more tasks than being a ski racer and a public person, I am also a family man. I would like to take this very seriously, because I look forward to it. He answered the question of knowing he had already touched something more intense than the news that he was going to become a father, with a clear "no" and a radiance in the

"Optimization from the maximum again "

The start of the season in the giant Slalom of Sölden on 28 October will depend on the snow conditions and the training that awaits it. "It's going to prove to be true."

Basically, Hirscher set the next season to go even better, to tighten the screws again. "At maximum again" This has also been discussed with the team around him, because the opinion prevails that it is even better. "Everyone is still full of enthusiasm, because I already have the feeling that we will definitely take another year. "

Video: Marcel Hirscher Continues

Should He Continue Beyond That, He Could Imagine Running certain breeds. He now wants to find a middle ground between everything. "Let's finish it slowly, I said I do not like it, but it looks like it's the only way." He consciously enters the danger of missing the right moment.

In retrospect, Hirscher said, "The last year has certainly been the most beautiful and the simplest." This was also due to the ankle injury suffered the previous summer, which had put him under pressure for a very long time. Another decision was also taken: with the main sponsor Raiffeisen, an oral agreement is concluded for future cooperation.

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