Marcel Hirscher: No desire for "partial retirement"


Marcel Hirscher: No desire for "partial retirement"

FUSCHL. Alpine skiing: The dominator of the World Cup remains in racing mode and a great bluffer.

  Marcel Hirscher: No desire to

Relaxed, but again fully concentrate Marcel Hirscher Image: APA / BARBARA Gindl [19659005LaCoupeduMondeenRussieafaitunepausehierCen'estpasparhasardquel'asdeskiautrichienMarcelHirscheraorganisésatraditionnellecauserieestivaleaveclesmédiascemêmejourLaperfectiondel'équipeHirscherestnotablenonseulementsurlespistesdeskimaisaussidanslastratégiederelationspubliques

The good news of the day extends from the shores of Lake Fuschl with the title "Hirscher macht weiter". The message did not come as a surprise. Almost nobody had taken seriously the rumors of an end of career at the Salzburgs of 29 years. At least the close confidants in the environment of the outstanding expert

The bait in the form of the press conference with the unofficial subject "How it goes with Marcel Hirscher" had attracted yesterday 75 media representatives at the fishing castle on Lake Fuschl. For a long time, the seven-time winner of the World Cup has made agitated journalists – some of them fed various online forums via the live ticker – and not wait. "I'm really motivated to run again, I'm doing very well physically, mentally, I've recovered very well, it's been a good job to keep everything clear and in the air." These are components where I said I'm not ready to stop that, "says Hirscher, wiping out any speculation from the table." From the environment of the newly married husband and future father – his wife Laura is expecting a baby at the table. autumn – you hear that ending a career has never been a serious subject, although Salzburg has now won everything to win the World Cup pistons after the Olympic gold medal in Korea. South, the thirst for success is still uncertain.

Hirscher, who was questioned about his hopes of the season, officially held the ball flat.Many of what he said looked more like a " part-time retirement "that's an attack on the eighth victory of the World Cup or one or two medals at the 2019 World Ski Championships in Åre. On the contrary, he left open whether he would even be in Sölden at the start of the World Cup in October, and his World Cup strategy does not seem very ambitious ("Maybe I'm only there for two days."). Just a bluff. The gearbox of the well-honed Hirscher team is already running at full speed in the background. "If he says he wants to continue, then there is only the full regime," says spokesman Stefan Illek. This is not good news for Hirscher's competitors

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