Marvel Comics: The Icon of "Spider-Man" Steve Ditko Dies at the Age of 90 – Celebrities, Sights, TV


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With "Spider-Man" Steve Ditko created a cartoon legend. Now he is dead. Comic fans around the world mourn the artist.

The comedian Steve Ditko, known as the co-creator of the legendary character of "Spider-Man," died, the artist was found dead in his New York apartment on June 29, announced Friday the police. A janitor found Ditko lifeless, said a police spokesman for the German News Agency . For the cause of death, he did not make any information initially. Ditko was 90 years old

With comedic author Stan Lee (95), Ditko had invented the figure of "Spider-Man" for Marvel Comics in the early sixties. Among other things, the designer has created the iconic red and blue suit and the web shooters with which the spider man draws his net threads, writes the industry newspaper Hollywood Reporter .

Behind the figure lies the disciple Peter Parker, who acquires supernatural powers through the bite of a mutant spider. He can climb facades, throw nets and use his skills in the fight against crime.

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The creator of Spider-Man Steve Ditko lived in Manhattan until his death

Ditko then worked on the character "Doctor Strange", but after a feud with Lee, he has the Marvel, according to Hollywood Reporter Publication left in 1966. For DC Comics and other publishers, he created more characters, later he also worked for Marvel. In 1990, his superhero Squirrel Girl made his debut. The shy public artist has lived in Manhattan.

Hollywood stars paid tribute on Friday. Guillermo del Toro, winner of an Oscar ("Shape of Water"), publishes on Twitter a photo of the cartoonist "Spider-Man". British director Edgar Wright ("Baby Driver") hailed him as a legend whose work will never be forgotten. "Goodbye Steve Ditko" wrote the director "Dr. Strange" Scott Derrickson on Twitter

Peak Ditko

– Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT)
. July 7, 2018

Stan Lee, who created a series of popular cartoon characters alongside "Spider Man", including "Thor", "Hulk", "The X-Men", and "Daredevil", moved into the 80s from New York to Los Angeles. In late April, the 95-year-old man visited the premiere of the Marvel superhero movie "Avengers: Infinity War2."

(Barbara Munker, dpa)

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