"Master of Light" – Director of Photography Robby Müller dies "kleinezeitung.at


Died at the age of 78 in his hometown of Amsterdam, the Dutch filmmaker Robby Müller, died at the age of 78, after a long illness, such as the death penalty. announced his family Wednesday. Müller was considered a great virtuoso behind the camera. He became world famous for his films with directors Wim Wenders, Jim Jarmusch and Lars von Trier.

18.10, 04. July 2018

Müller, born on the Dutch island of Curaçao in the Caribbean, was considered a "master of light "because he worked mainly with natural light. In 2017, the Berlin Film and Television Museum devotes a major retrospective to the Dutch

. One of his most famous films is "Paris, Texas" by German director Wenders in 1984. With Wenders, Müller has directed 14 films. Müller shot with Jarmusch among others "Down by Law" (1986) and "Dead Man" with Jonny Depp and von Trier "Breaking the Waves" (1996) and "Dancer in the Dark" (2000) with Björk.

Several films in which he participated had been awarded internationally. Müller has also been honored many times in his Dutch homeland. He had been suffering from dementia for years and could not walk.

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