Media: environmental complaints for the bankruptcy of Air Berlin


Berlin (APA / AFP) – Nearly a year after the last flight of Air Berlin, the German media would soon be processing the treatment of one of the most important procedures in the world. insolvency of postwar history, according to a report.

As reported by the "Tagesspiegel" on Saturday, the Greens' parliamentary group accuses the government of keeping secret the essential contents of an opinion on the position of the airline. The Greens therefore go to the Federal Constitutional Court.

"Since the federal government is blocking access to the file and therefore parliamentary control, the Greens are now complaining to the Federal Constitutional Court," Katharina Dröge told the paper. At the same time as other MEPs, she also made the request, including in similar cases related to the construction project of the Stuttgart 21 station.

The Greens want to require that an opinion prepared by the auditors of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) before filing for bankruptcy in August 2017 be published in full. This document was the basis of a decision of the Chancellery and the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the SPD at the time to instruct the Federal KFW, Air Berlin, to pay an emergency loan of 150 million euros.

According to "Tagesspiegel", Lucas Flöther, insolvency administrator at Air Berlin, also checks whether former company executives can be held responsible. He had charged PwC with "examining any claims of liability against corporate bodies," the Flöther newspaper said. He also threatened the former majority shareholder Etihad Airways of a legal dispute. After years of losses on October 27, 2017, Air Berlin has finally ceased operations.

~ ISIN GB00B128C026 WEB ~ APA206 2018-10-27 / 17: 45

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