Meet a Rabbi, a Priest and an Imam – News



A Rabbi, a Priest and an Imam Meet

The Comedy Culture Clash "A Song in the Ear of God" is about Religious Tolerance

Gern and often leaves French cinema on the big screen with a beautiful spirit and a lot of verve clashes with different cultures. Last summer, for example, it was a "black and white" couple (director: Lucien Jean-Baptiste), who adopted a child with fair skin and blue eyes, not only for their understanding .

Another cultural comedy of French origin arrives at cinemas: "A song in the ear of God" speaks of a rabbi, a priest and an imam . What, at first glance, sounds like the beginning of a joke, is in this case the film's strange basic idea, which also addresses a big topic, quite sensible: religious tolerance. Of course, any moral apostle is immediately prohibited.

Fabrice Éboué works as actor, director and screenwriter

The three clergy are supposed to be in the same volume. The idea comes from a rather desperate music producer who desperately needs to get hit again. But he has only six months to do it. But if it can really succeed with Coexister, this multi-faith boy band, it's more than questionable – because the members of the group seem to be contrary …

Fabrice Éboué, himself a Catholic and also educated , also works as an actor, Director ("The Crocodile of Botswana") and screenwriter. Also in this first feature film, which Eboué stages alone, the 1977 artist, born in Paris, is seen in front of the camera in one of the main roles.

"A song in the ear of God" F 2017, 89 min., 12 and over, R: Fabrice Éboué, D: Audrey Lamy, Ramzy Bedia, Fabrice Éboué, Guillaume de Tonquedec, Jonathan Cohen, Mathilde Seigner, Amelle Chahbi, daily at Holi, coral, UCI Mundsburg, Zeise;[191959011]© Hamburger Abendblatt 2018 – All Rights Reserved

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