Meghan Markle: Intimacy prohibited! She has to live with these rules


Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan performed much further at the "Queen's Young Leader Awards".
Picture: picture alliance / John Stillwell / PA Wire / dpa

Experts have studied the body language of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan closely. Since their marriage, the Royals show less and less intimacy, and meanwhile they are no longer able to hold hands on public appearances. Meghan seems to be unhappy in the palace . Is it due to the many royal regulations?

No intimacy for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after their marriage

Harry and Meghan had previously appeared as a very open – minded couple and met regularly hand – in – hand. But since the dream wedding expected in May, the two behave a little further. William Hanson, an expert in etiquette, revealed why Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have apparently stopped holding hands on official dates.

He explains that even if there is no royal record for the gesture, could feel more professional. It could also help Meghan gain more self-confidence as a member of the royal family, and therefore require less emotional and physical support from Prince Harry

. In the journal Femail, Hanson said that open expressions of tenderness such as hand in hand are well accepted in private situations and social environments, but in public, Harry and Meghan are on the way to work. Now that they are finally married, they seem to realize that "their job and their status are above all else".

Hanson also suspects that the Royals are watching Harry's older brother, Prince William and his wife Kate. "They seem much more reserved with their feelings and their caresses," notes the expert. Even Queen Elizabeth or her son Prince Charles are not seen hand-in-hand with their respective spouses. It is therefore not surprising that Prince Harry did not respond to the "Queen's Young Leaders Awards" when Meghan apparently wanted to take his hand.

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