Meghan Markle: New Zealand surprise duchess with a royal camera


02.11.2018, 18:32

Meghan Markle on her Royal Tour in New Zealand.

Meghan Markle on her Royal Tour in New Zealand. Image: dpa / Dominic Lipinski

Meghan Markle has done it again! After her embarrbading pricing misadventure, including lingerie flashes, Duchess Meghan once again presented a revealing performance. Now everyone knows what Harry's woman is wearing underneath.

After a 16-day tour of the Pacific, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle returned home. The couple is expecting their first child in the spring of 2019, was handed to London Thursday in New Zealand. The flight takes almost a whole day. For Harry (34) and Duchess Meghan (37), who were married in May, the tour at the end of the world was the longest official trip abroad. In the end, the Duke and Duchess of Susbad had spent another four days in New Zealand, where Meghan Markle again made headlines with an embarrbading outfit.

Meghan Markle with anti-skid camera in New Zealand

With over 40 different outfits, the former actress had shown some of her best looks. Some appearances have gone astray. by Meghan's price problem, including the BH radarAt the end of his Royal Tour in New Zealand, Rotorua, 37, took a fresh, involuntary look at his underwear, including a non-slip camera. The fault in fashion was due to the blue pleated skirt of Givenchy's Meghan. The seemingly simple skirt was transparent! In the sunlight, Meghan Markle's royal panties were clearly visible.

Duchess Meghan shocked during royal tour with fashionable faux pas

For the second time, Meghan's stylist apparently made a big mistake. Responsible for royal looks: stylist Jessica Mulroney. Meghan Markle worked with her on "costumes". On Twitter, Meghan's clothes were again broken for fierce discussions. The fans are torn apart, it 's like a transparent dress or an optical illusion.

Birth Gifts for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Before their stopover in New Zealand, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan were in Australia and Fiji and Tonga. During the tour, the former actress and the prince were very applauded. There were many gifts for the unborn child. The couple had baby equipment that could fill a lot more than the children's rooms at Kensington Palace. In addition to rompers, lollipops, cups and Krabbeldecken, but there was also typical for the country. That "Baby Susbad" actually gets the gifts in the end, Harry and Meghan kept quiet about it.

Read also: Hard! Baby contract of the duchess revealed

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sba / FKA / / dpa

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