Meghan Markle: Secret Operation with Duchess Meghan? These images cause rumors


for Meghan Markle It's a question of honor, always in impeccable style when appearing in public, an elegant outfit and a perfect hairstyle. Although the Duchess of Susbad, who is currently pregnant with her first child of Prince Harry, latest faux pas fashionableBut in most cases, Meghan Markle manages to skilfully conceal minor imperfections.

Meghan Markle loves her high heels for everything – and Prince Harry is to blame!

This includes wearing high heels – Meghan Markle, 1.71m, apparently attempting, with her high-heeled shoes, to make up for the difference in size of her husband, Prince Harry, 1.86m. But a revelation during his trip to Australia, New ZealandFiji and Tonga could not stop Meghan Markle.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry conclude the Pacific Ride with a Maori ceremony at Rotorua

During a visit to Te Papaiouru Marae in Rotorua, New Zealand, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were greeted at a traditional ceremony. Among other things, Prince Harry's wife was wearing a New Zealand Maori aboriginal cloak, also known as Korowai. The 37-year-old received the trophy on a visit to Rotorua, in the northern Pacific Island, and put it on the same course.

The Duchess Meghan has been honored in New Zealand as a "powerful woman"

A Korowai is a linen woven cape with peabad feathers, minutely handcrafted. With Meghan's play, their position as a "mighty woman" should be emphasized. With such capes, other prominent non-maori women have been allowed to decorate. Queen Elizabeth II was presented in 1954 in Rotorua, a Korowai. New Zealand premier Jacinda Ardern wore a Maori cloak during a visit to Buckingham Palace this year.

The bare feet of Meghan Markle, presented by the Duchess of Susbad in Rotorura, New Zealand, have fueled rumors of health problems.
Image: Tim Rooke / PA Wire / Photo Alliance / dpa

Barefoot Meghan Markle: Have high heels ruined her feet?

But part of the ceremony was undressing the shoes, which is why Meghan Markle attended the ceremony barefoot and without her beloved high heels. Careful photographers took pictures of the duchess's bare feet – and nurtured rumors that pregnant woman Meghan Markle might have damaged her royal feet with her preference for high heels. Snapshots are not only perfectly manicured toes, but also recognizable visible pressure points. And is there not a clear scar on the 37-year-old's left foot?

PHOTOS: Meghan Markle ICI Duchess Meghan violated the royal dress code

Hallux valgus with Duchess Meghan – Do these photos prove the deformation of Ballenzeh's foot?

It is not excluded that the feet of Meghan Markle contracted a deformity of the foot due to the excessive wearing of heeled shoes, orthopedic also Hallux valgus or balezeh call. Due to treacherous lines inside the foot, among other things, the "Daily Mail" speculated that Meghan Markle may have undergone a secret operation to get his bullet nail removed. This would also suggest that Meghan Markle was more often seen in flat shoes – allowed the Duchess to hurt her feet then a break to avoid other foot problems? As one can only wish the future mother that she herself after the exhausting journey of the Pacific treat yourself to a little peace at home in London and leave the high heels in the closet!

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