Mercedes pushes the robot car tests


Merced is rapidly expanding its robots and can now look forward to a new test zone. The German automaker will also test its autonomous cars in the streets of Beijing, the Chinese capital. As the first international manufacturer to have received a license for the operation of level 4 test vehicles on public roads in the city, said the Daimler Group in a press release. Level 4 is the second highest level of autonomous driving. Above this, only level 5 is ranked – there is no more steering wheel and pedals on board.

© Daimler AG

Rebuilt Clbad V

Cars do almost everything alone, but there is a driver behind the wheel, who can intervene. For the test in Beijing, two clbad V models are used (see photos), specially equipped and labeled. In addition, the test drivers, who must always be on board to intervene if necessary, have undergone extensive training for the use of automated vehicles.

© Daimler AG

The Chinese partners

Daimler collaborates on the road test with the Chinese competitor of Google Baidu and the research platform "Apollo Open Source ". Baidu has been doing intensive research on autonomous cars and has been collaborating with the German car manufacturer for a few years on other topics. Daimler operates its own research and development center for Mercedes-Benz in Beijing

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