MeToo case to Erl: Gustav Kuhn with a weird appearance


Blogger Markus Wilhelm published last February on his website, on his homepage, anonymous allegations ranging from "modern slavery" to suspicions of wage dumping to badual harbadment of the Festival's artistic director Erl, Gustav Kuhn. The people responsible firmly reject the allegations. In July, five female artists accuse Kuhn of badual badault or badual abuse in an open letter. They talk about "prolonged abuse of power and badual badault" during their engagement.

In September, the festival proclaims Kuhn's permission as an orchestra conductor until final clarification of the allegations made against him by the court and the Commission for Equal Treatment. In September, eight other musicians or employees charged Kuhn.

Kuhn with a weird interview

On Monday, Gustav Kuhn made his first live comment on Causa Erl on ORF "ZiB 2" on TV and continued to deny all charges. "I'm tired of accusations that are not so good," said Kuhn, accusing the artists of inventing them. He could deny everything 100%, he added.

"Women invent this because they are deeply hurt because they have not had a role," said Kuhn, now on leave from the festival's board of directors. If it was misunderstandings, he apologized. "If I literally missed it" (Kuhn laughs) so I apologize. But I do not apologize to someone who invents something, "said Kuhn to artists who complained of badual badault or badual abuse in an open letter.

Here is the complete interview

Kuhn accuses former employees of blackmail

Kuhn also accused "various institutions" of "treating" women for what they call themselves publicly. In addition, the released steward threw his former chief scenographer Jan Hax Halama, who also spoke in an open letter of "domineering behavior" with other musicians and former employees of the Festival, of corruption. "He told me that if I pay him 24,000 euros, he says nothing," said Kuhn in the "ZiB 2".

The approximately 100 ongoing criminal proceedings in BH Kufstein for suspicion of illegal employment of EU foreigners and unpaid social security contributions have made Kuhn an insignificant subject. These would be based on misunderstandings that occurred five years ago. "It was only a formal mistake," said the maestro, who only counts with a small penalty.

Kuhn on monthly payments: "This is a very legal story"

Kuhn also commented on the latest accusation of blogger Ötztal Markus Wilhelm. Wilhelm denounced the transfer of 10,000 or 12,000 euros a month from the festival to the "artist's forge" of Kuhn in Tuscany, "The Accademia di Montegral". "We are getting ready," says Kuhn, "you can be sure it's a legal history." The note "without profit", as stated in the letter of acknowledgment of Wilhelm, can only be attributed to legal problems with Italy. "We can also redirect courses to the north," said the head of the leave, who now wants to "rest", after all, he is anyway on leave.

Whirlpool in the net

There were many tweets on the net during the interview. The tone was essentially the same. The "King Erl" is finally disbadembled.

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