Microsoft and Google love them – and you should do too |


Microsoft wants everything to work under Windows. Google wants everything to work on the web. ACPs are a way to reconcile the two. (But what does Apple want?) […]

Basically, users want to download less from the App Store. Progressive Web applications help fight the onset of application fatigue (c)

Progressive Web applications are now a trend in vogue.

While Progressive Web Apps or PWAs have been around for about three years – a Google-driven initiative – they hit us this week, especially when Google Chrome released 70.

The new version of Google's web browser includes a full range of new features. The biggest novelty, however, is the support for Windows-based PWAs. (Mac and Linux support is planned for Chrome 72.)

Google and Microsoft compete on many fronts, but with respect to the PWA, the two companies are perfectly compatible. Why this is so, I will clarify the following, but first, we define what are the PVA.

ACPs: easier for everyone

A PWA is a website designed to look like an application or an application installed on a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop.

PWAs use background scripts (JavaScript files) called service agents, which cache badets to improve performance. Service agents also enable offline PWA runtime and offline storage access. And they are able to display push notifications.

Although PWAs bring only small benefits to their users, they are also good for developers, brands, and businesses. Because PWAs are based on CSS3, JavaScript and other standard tools, they can easily be ported to other browsers and platforms.

PWAs even support or replace a Mobile First Design policy that allows you to create PWAs for mobile devices and make them available on all devices.

Bypbading PWA's application stores, they help solve the problem of application fatigue. After all, users are increasingly refusing to open an app store only to find another app that they will try once, then forget it. However, when users visit your website, you can offer them the PWA installation on site and start them each time you visit this site.

Most major retailers offer apps that offer loyalty and discount features, and therefore a better shopping experience. But most customers have no interest in downloading such applications. PWAs can be run when customers visit the store and have additional features that function as normal applications.

Various tests revealed that PWA significantly improved engagement, transition and interaction, as well as open rates for push notifications and opt-in.

For example, Pinterest has started a PWA to replace access to its service with a normal browser experience. It has brought huge benefits, including a 50% increase in click-through rates and a 40% increase in spending by users who spent more than five minutes on the site. The PWA has not only gone beyond the use of the mobile Web, but also the use of the mobile application.

In addition, PWAs support all types of devices, including Chromebooks.

The most difficult task for developers has been to create separate applications for Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS and Android – but creating an app for Chromebooks has failed, unless you've developed a sixth implementation in the form of a Chrome extension.

PWA now offers a new way to serve all platforms, including Chromebooks, with a single implementation. Subsequent developments in this direction could also facilitate access to AHP from smart TVs and other IoT devices.

Although PWAs feel like applications, the search engine implemented is indexable for their content and shared by all users.

ACPs are also relatively safe. During installation, they do not have access to the system hardware. This access must be granted on a case by case basis, resource by resource, and only if the user has given explicit permission. Access to storage, location and Bluetooth requires three separate permissions. For example, users can accept Bluetooth access but refuse the storage and location requirements.

The process works in much the same way as mobile applications, but it also represents a significant improvement over traditional desktop applications.

Indeed, PWA's browsers are transformed into true application platforms, real applications, and not the terrible Web applications of yesteryear.

Why do Microsoft and Google hear about PWA?

With Chrome 70, PWA on Windows 10 works like normal applications. That is, they support notifications, live thumbnails, and Cortana, and that they are available in the Chrome menu, the Start menu, or as "On". application pinned in the system tray. And they are available in the Microsoft Store.

Google and Microsoft are in terms of PWA, for the moment absolutely agree. The reason is that PWAs increase the number and range of applications for Windows users. The most important reason is, in my opinion, that Microsoft hopes to return to the smartphone market with its Andromeda device. Instead of launching applications on the market, you can then enter the market with all PWAs.

Many of these applications are primarily designed to replace Android applications. In this way, many applications previously available only for Android devices and Pixelbook will now also be available for Windows Surface smartphones – or whatever Microsoft will call its Andromeda devices at the end.

It's a win-win situation for Microsoft and Google. Microsoft receives tons of applications for its devices, while Google forces everyone to do everything on the Internet, which in turn supports the current ChromeOS strategy and Fuschia's future strategy.

Progressive Web Applications Do Not Always Mean Progress

There are of course disadvantages.

For example, the PVA search is decentralized. You can not just open an App Store and type in the search line the PWA you are looking for. Although Google maintains a PWA directory, to my knowledge, there is not a single resource containing all available PWAs.

What we do not know is if the industry can ensure that PWAs represent a unique application platform, or whether PWAs allow or expand fragmentation.

Until now, Microsoft and Google have worked together on the PWA and it's a good thing.

Apple, however, not so much. Although Apple is starting to support PWAs in Safari, it is not clear that the company is sufficiently motivated to maintain and support common standards. And the Safari feature leaves something to be desired. Web push notifications, for example, do not work for PWA on iOS.

The raw power of PWAs is generally lower than that of native applications.

Another disadvantage is that PVAs are very isolated. Therefore, it is difficult and unlikely that different PWAs share the same resources or data directly.

ACPs are not perfect.

But I still believe that they will eventually start.

PWAs are much more efficient for users and developers. They are much more flexible, cross-platform, and more compact than Web applications, Web sites, mobile applications, or desktop applications.

Brands and organizations such as Starbucks, Twitter, Burger King, Home Depot and NASA are all switching to the PWA. Maybe it's time for you to think about it too.

Now that the PWAs have really arrived on Windows, you should treat them seriously. Take an inventory and badysis of all the applications in your business and check which ones can be converted to PWA files.

It may mean more work for you, but in the long run, the profit you make will be multiplied by ten.

* Mike Elgan is a digital technology obsessed journalist, author, blogger, podcaster and nomad. Learn more on his website:

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